
New Member
How hard/heavy are they to drive im 13 im not little im big relitivly strong how hard are they to drive. I currently have a rover 620 i no there's going to be a hell of a difference but will i manage? Also mechanics will it be a good car for me to learn mechanics.

Thanks Max
you really should consintrate on lurning to reet proper , fer eggzampill wtf does "im big relitivly string" mean
oh sorry that im off school due to ill health and have had blood coming out of my hands all morning! SO please don't critisize me! I get A* in all my ICT work and exams so! And thanks for your reply its a 90 pickup.

Thanks Max
Ignore slob he's a bit grumpy sometimes. :))
90 truck cab is ok to drive just remember it aint a race car!! Mechanicals are fairly straight forward if its a 2.5 turbo diesel and easy to learn on. Wwhat sort of age is it?
fooking grumpy yer say! he can't even spill simple wurds like 'know' and 'strong' proplee. dunt yer think he should be lurning the basic furst

blood coming out yer hands , its not that stigmata thing is it or have they fell of, or perhaps yer worn the skin off doing what teenagers do.
if you want straight forward mechanics get a series with a 200 transplant pretty much the same as a 90 but wiff real simple mechanics
A* you say? Sfunny tha' seeing as 13 year olds are graded with a numbers system.. letters aren't used until GCSE age. Sir slobs right though, a series with a 200tdi in it would be your best bet, steering won't be hard though anyway seeing as you've said you're only going to be thrashing it around a feild :rolleyes:
A* you say? Sfunny tha' seeing as 13 year olds are graded with a numbers system.. letters aren't used until GCSE age. Sir slobs right though, a series with a 200tdi in it would be your best bet, steering won't be hard though anyway seeing as you've said you're only going to be thrashing it around a feild :rolleyes:

Yer failed yer Inglish classis then Heff...? Yer dunt spell 'field' like 'feild'.:rolleyes:
aye frenshe, inglish, jockanese,jerman, a bit of septic( well ah say a bit what ah mean is ah can say truck and gaudam and bomb them.) also some eyetailyin and a couple wurds of japaknees to mention a few
aye frenshe, inglish, jockanese,jerman, a bit of septic( well ah say a bit what ah mean is ah can say truck and gaudam and bomb them.) also some eyetailyin and a couple wurds of japaknees to mention a few

Oooo talk in JockaJapaknees.

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