
New Member
Hi everyone
I have owned a Series 2 swb tax exempt 2.5 N/A diesel, for a little while now i totally love her its a great motor and i have spent hundreds doing her up and replacing parts.

I mainly use it for green laning and a bit of gentle offroading but i would like to use her a bit more often but the lack of speed and drive ability puts me off.

The question is bearing all this in mind do i ,

Sell her and say get a disco 200 tdi/300 tdi

Or say put a 200 tdi in the series parabolics etc to make it drive a bit more modern ish ?

I cant afford a 90 so it has to be one of the above please !!

What should i do ???

Many thanks chris
If your series diesel is in good nick as you say you might get a grand for it if you sell it well, then you got 2 and a half which should get you a decent 200 defender (or transplanted 90 200). Just me thoughts!

I'd stick with the series though and grin and bear the bumps, shakes and rattles, was having a chat with a mate this morning who has a series and came to the conclusion that there isn't actually a car on the road which exudes more class or driver contentment! People think they want better things but the joy goes when they get them, the joy is in wanting!!

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