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Hi have a 1992 90 defender was reversing with a car transport trailer with a car on it so put the vehicle in low doing the job fine and suddenly cut out with no noise just stop running . Went to restart but clutch pedal was fully up but rock hard like a brake pedal I can't get it out of reverse the matter how hard I pull and push on the gear stick nor can I get out of low gear . So can't start nor move the defender can anyone give me advice ?
lever that pushes on clutch,its possible somethings come awry in pedal box ie master cylinder rod , but lever is often the cause
Jacked up the vehicle and got it out of reverse gear and low .looked at master cylinder rod and it looks fine , Bled the clutch at the gear box the pedal went down and then went hard again and still cannot be depressed down . Can anyone advise me on what action to take next .
remove slave cylinder and check rod and lever if rods sat completely inside bell housing box needs removing or engine
Have removed slave cylinder and can touch the rod ,it is sitting about 10mm inside .should I try and pull it out and if so how ?
Might have cause more damage than good ! Got a pear of pliers and pushed pulled the rod trying to find out was the fork out of place ! But I have pulled the rod out ! It has a plastic holder which must of been holding it in place ! Any advise would be much appreciate as I am in Czech Republic and don't know anyone or can speak the language .
The plastic clip is to hold it in place but can be used without it so long as your careful the rod is located properly when putting the slave on.

Your problem is the rod was 10mm inside the bellhousing which means it's pushed through the lever or the lever itself has come adift.

The reason the clutch goes hard is the slave piston reaches the end of its travel and can't go any further.

With a torch you may be able to see the end of the fork where theres a dimple the rod sits in.....if it's a hole then thats the problem. In an emergancy a dished washer welded to the end of the rod will get you down the road but not for long.

Only real answer is box out I'm afraid
Is German widely spoken in Czech?

If so and you're really stuck we may be able to sort out translation for you. We have a LZIR volunteer about 50k over the border
Not much German spoke here !
Can I put in a longer rod ?
Is there any chance the rod could fall into the bell house ?
I pulled to hard on the rod to get it out a bit and looking a the clip you can see by the different shades it was contacted before I pulled at it could that mean there is no hole ? Should I use a bar and press on the fork to see if it moves back and forth ?

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