
New Member
Are there any nearby greenlanes that i can try out. Would prefer ones that wont kill my paintwork and dent the Landy up as I have a wife for that job??
Was looking at the Plains, but as I dont know any of the lanes Id prefer to get some more specific info from people that had tried certain ones rather than look on a map, try it and find out its scratchy or has huge water pools etc... Im not exactly experienced!
We do, occasionally, have nooby trips up near Basingstoke. They can be scratchy tho. depending on time of year.
We do, occasionally, have nooby trips up near Basingstoke. They can be scratchy tho. depending on time of year.
Wuz pondering just such a fing between Xmas and NY... Have some relies down who might be interested in a drive around some of the easy wuns...

Haven't got much beyond finking about it though :rolleyes:

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