Might be worth searching mobile welders in your area, we had one weld up our crane a few years back, and he was from Dover.
Trouble we had was they had to be coded for the insurance co.
I live just outside folkestone,kent
You have a couple of members on LZ on here, who are Kent based?? 1 just outside Faversham @oiley, 1 in Canterbury @Langers and 1 just out Dover @gregsargent

Not sure if they are still active??

Or as mentioned above!! Mobile welder?? Or get yourself one, if you don't have one yourself! (Price will be about the same! Hire or own!!)(but you get to keep yours!))

I did not about 6 months ago! So now I'm learning a now skill, I'm hoping to keep my Td5 on the road for as long as possible 😊

Hope you get sorted?


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