What security did you have when it got stolen

  • Alarm/Immobiliser

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • clutch claw (or similar)

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Disklok

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • none of the above

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Not had one stolen

    Votes: 17 89.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Would be nice to know what security devices are useless :confused: and not worth buying.
What security did you have fitted when your vehicle got stolen?

You can tick more than one box.
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We have had them try 3 times last summer :mad:, first time i was in the garage having a ciggy at night and heard a hacksaw noise outside, grabbed a length of scaffold tube, ran out the door and chased the bugger but couldn't catch him, all he had done was mark the ignition barrel on my 90
second time mum caught someone with their hands through the letter box trying to grab some keys so she let the dog out and turned all the lights on which made him run away (nobody else was at home that time)
3rd time i caught them in the field trying to break into dad's 90, went out and confronted them with the dog and a 12bore semi auto. one bloke ****ed himself! i told them if they come back again i'll shoot at them instead just above them

they havn't been back for almost a year now :D

needless to say ours are pretty well protected now, pedal locks, lots of different immobilisation tricks and boxed in by other cars. They won't get a hiab up into our cul de sac and its all gravel so the neighbours will wake up too...they will also get a few nasty suprises if they try to nick one out of the field :D
OI, where's the never had one stolen YET option?

I use a clutch claw and a couple of home-brew immobilisation thingummybobbers.
My 90 was stolen about 5 years ago, when I was on tour in places sandy and unpleasannt. Fookers stole it out of my garage, came home on r&r and thought that was nice. Found out last year it had been stripped as some sod was driving about with my windows when they where spot checked. Mind you most of the major components also had micro dots on them too.
I've had one stolen and one they tried to nick, were unsuccessful, so they tried to set light to it. I had an isolated earth with just a small fused wire which carried enough power to keep the immobiliser and clocks etc going. When the ignition was cranked it blew the fuse and therefore it appeared it had a flat battery. They still did enough damage to write it off. I've lost count of how many attempts there have been on my landy/s.
I had my 19J Ninety stolen off my driveway, but I was naive enough to assume it was a nice area, and it was safe. Never seen it again, and it was un-insured too, so I got fook all for it.

Also had my Carlton GSI 3000 stolen off my driveway (different house) despite a disklock and factory immobiliser, but got that back 2 days later, all be it with a smashed front wing.
I had my 19J Ninety stolen off my driveway, but I was naive enough to assume it was a nice area, and it was safe. Never seen it again, and it was un-insured too, so I got fook all for it.

Also had my Carlton GSI 3000 stolen off my driveway (different house) despite a disklock and factory immobiliser, but got that back 2 days later, all be it with a smashed front wing.

smashed as in creased vertically up the centre?
smashed as in creased vertically up the centre?

Smashed as in swerved to avoid a stationary van when braking, and caught the wing resulting in a long crease up the side.

Fortunately they got out and legged it at this point, and the damage was confined to the wing and a door mirror.
Not had one stolen, and like to think my cat1 alarm and imobiliser, and (after recommendations on here) a Disklok have gone some way to being able to say that:D:D;););)
Think I was a bit innocent before meeting you lot :eek:

The locks on my beast were really stiff and had a real job turning the key and I couldn't reach behind me to lock the back doors after kids got out so....... used to leave beast open and unlocked would put alarm on and worked on the principle that the noise would scare anyone off :eek:. This worked perfectly fine for 10 years

Anyway now I am completely paranoid and have a disklok and lock the damn thing all the time :(

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