
Active Member
Ill probably get in trouble for this lol, but hey:rolleyes:

Discobasher and I are Normaly found in the Herts Laners thread in green laning section .

We have both been busy fund raising for Help For Heroes European Rally . Thats going to be covering almost 1700 miles across 6 countries in 10 days with 50 other entrants. We leave on the 6th of June. Rockin Truckers aka Discobasher and team Muddy Frog aka me and two willing and almost ready 300tdi Discos . So fingers crossed we can make the round trip of 3400 miles lol .

Between us we have fund raised over £350 so far and with a little help from the LandyZone community i recon we can do well . Dont go crazy but every little bit will help H4H. So if you fancy giving a little,heres a big thanks . It would be great if you could please divide your donation between Discobasher and me. Cheers .

Roland Traynor is fundraising for Help for Heroes - JustGiving

joanna oxford is fundraising for Help for Heroes - JustGiving

Regards LB

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