
Active Member
Sitting in the front room the other day when I heard something fall on the car. It was a lump of cement from the roof fell what I thought on the bonnet. Luckily I had the Halfords all weather car cover on and just brushed off the smashed cement from the bonnet. A couple of days later when I pulled the cover off I see the real damage. The cement landed on the roof and then rolled on the bonnet causing a nasty dent by the aerial. This is gong to cost me. Grrrrrrrrrr
Sitting in the front room the other day when I heard something fall on the car. It was a lump of cement from the roof fell what I thought on the bonnet. Luckily I had the Halfords all weather car cover on and just brushed off the smashed cement from the bonnet. A couple of days later when I pulled the cover off I see the real damage. The cement landed on the roof and then rolled on the bonnet causing a nasty dent by the aerial. This is gong to cost me. GrrrrrrrrrrView attachment 130415

How annoying. I had a piece of pine tree land on the bonnet of my V6 some years ago. It was the top 6ft of the pine tree that broke of in a storm one night. Unfortunately it landed on the bonnet on its way to the ground.
This was what I found in the early morning.
Later on in daylight I discovered this.
Our chimney self destructed earlier this year and fell on the car. Fortunately it fell on the Jeep which was on the drive at the time, not my Freelander which was on the road!
Say what you like about Jeeps, but it bounced off and only left a mark that I polished out! If it had hit the Freelander it would have gone straight through the T top. Lucky escape me thinks:)
One of the dents away people should be able to get that out.
I had some tiles blow off the roof last winter and one of them clipped the drivers side front door on the way down, leaving a long vertical crease.
That dent in the roof is proving harder to remove than I thought. I must of contacted 5 people who claim to take dents out and no one gets back to me after they've seen the picture. Obviously dents in roofs are a bummer to get out probably because of the head lining. I may have to live with it :(
Someone needs to invent a vacuum dent remover that can suck the dent out (unless such a device already actually exists :oops: )
That dent in the roof is proving harder to remove than I thought. I must of contacted 5 people who claim to take dents out and no one gets back to me after they've seen the picture. Obviously dents in roofs are a bummer to get out probably because of the head lining. I may have to live with it :(
There is a guy who specialises in taking dents out of freelanders. He is in the Facebook group Freelanders owners club. I don't go on there much, but I'm sure if you put a post up he'll get back to you and say if it's possible to remove it.
Not a big fan of Facebook personally, but it had its uses.
If the dent is within 6 inches of the edge, then access to the back is very difficult. There is a double or possibly tripple skinned area all round the roof edge for strength. This will prevent access to the outer skin from the rear, so making the dent almost impossible to deal with at the road side. A professional body shop will get it out, but will need to paint the panel afterwards.
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