Jay reKx

Active Member
the old disco (200tdi) has developed a rather disturbing grinding noise from the gearbox/transfer box direction. it happens when the clutch is lifted in any gear, including reverse, there is no loss of drive and the gears select as normal. its not the same grinding noise that happens when a gear is incorrectly or half selected etc. a friend mentioned, from the description, that it may be a failed clutch bearing.

Now my hi/lo transfer lever has never worked, the linkage is all connected underneath so something must be disconnected inside the box. I've had the wagon 2 years and its never worried me as I've never needed a low range. I've never had a transfer box apart, so is it possible that the low gear may have floated or shifted along a shaft and be rubbing/pressing/trying to connect itself inside the transfer box?

are there any further tests I can carry out to ascertain wether it is or isnt one of the above causes? and is it possible to get into the transfer box from above through the centre console or is it a box out job?

much love,


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