
New Member
Hello all,
Thought I'd introduce myself having recently signed up. Name's Jim and I'm based on the edge of the Black Mountain, North of Swansea. Currently running a Td5 110 station wagon, with a Disco 1 which I'm slowly trying to beat the rust on for my son. I had a SWB Series 3 for a few years as well. We've just bought a Freelander 1 for my wife, which is a bit of a learning experience for me. I'm pretty confident with the traditional models, but the Hippo's a bit more modern than I'm used to. Consequently I'll probably be mainly lurking on the Freelander forum for the near future.
I also dabble in old motorbikes as well.

This is likely to be one of my longer posts, but I'll chip in now and again if I can help,

Cheerio for now,

Welcome to the forum

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