
Hi folks.
I am an English man but have lived in Norway now for nearly 12 years.
I own a Land Rover 110 Tdi, and it has just had a few modifications too it. :)
Married with 2 children. Philip 7yrs and Emelie 10yrs.

Like your website too... if any of you find web design and other things interesting take a look at my other hobby and my forum design.

Look forward to popping in every now and then and reading your posts.
Hello Gary welcome to the site ,glad you like it please feel free to add any comments to any of the posts/forums. I had a look at your web link looks great site as well ,Norway must be a beautiful place to live ,hope to hear more about there and yourself later.

hello and welcome, gary - glad to have you onboard!

hey, a metal detective? maybes you could help locate that screw i have loose...
Hey Gary, took a peep at you site... looks really good, beastie is right, must be a really pretty place to live, hope to hear from you again.... Skuzy

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