
New Member
Greetings from Norway!

I just bought a 97 Discovery 1 300tdi that I plan to get fighting fit! First on the agenda is getting it running again, since it refuses to start for some reason... Then comes a bunch of rust repairs, as the door sills on both sides are completley rotten and are about as solid as a Ritz cracker. And as I was removing the carpets in the boot to access the fuel pump, parts of the floor in the boot decided to follow suit. But I am confident that I will one day be driving over the horizon in this great vehicle, and I really am looking forward to having it running and driving.

Added some pics, doesn't really look to bad for a car that has been sitting for quite a while :)

Nice hope you get it going. Where in Norway are you living When I was living Unst Shetlands we use to wave at the people in Bergen across the North Sea:D
Thanks guys! I live a few hours north of Bergen, so basically where all the pretty pictures from Norway are taken ;) Finally got her running today, with some help from a very nice gentleman here on the forum. The plan is now to get her back to my family's garage to clean her up (mold in the interior and generally very very dirty) and start sorting out the rust and other potential issues to get her MOT approved. :)

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