
I've been advised to come and have a word with all you knowledgable landrover gurus here as I've heard this forum referred to in hushed, almost awestruck, tones, as "the real 4x4's equivalent of the oracle at Delphi."

Right, that's blown enough smoke in the direction of assorted orifices, or oriphi, so I suppose I'd better introduce myself. My name is Bob, and I'm an alcho.. Oh, sorry, wrong forum.

My name's Bob and I have a 51 freelander TD4. It's the most recent in a long line of assorted 4x4's, fourtrak said, land cruisers, series 2 and 3, a vitara, but I'm better now, and a god awful Pajero which deserves its Spanish translation!

I'm based in South Devon, I make Bowie and general hunting knives, and on a good day I'm on crutches, a bad day it's wheels!

That's pretty much it, so I'll let you get over the initial shock of the intro and then I'll regale you with my TD4 based tale of woe.

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