
New Member
Greetings all,
I've been here a while now (hopefully) gathering some insight into Defenders. I finally made the jump at the weekend and bought a 2004 110. No forum advice or number of hours watching YouTube could have prepared me for ensuing 2 hour drive home. Thankfully all that fell off was the exhaust.
Once I've worked out whether a straight through exhaust is going to land me in trouble I'll either be fitting one or something more standard, and then I'll be ready to face the zombie apocalypse.
That is a thing of beauty. Nothing you can’t fix with a Parkside multi tool :D welcome
Nice picture looks tidy. Needs the odd splash of mud and odd dent or two and perfection lie within.:D
Make sure you are security mad because this is attractive to Jimmy the Dink for stealing.:mad:


  • IMG_20210330_100325~2.jpg
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Hi and welcome!

Nice looking Landy! But as said, get lots of security measures for it. If we find it attractive, the tea leaves will...
Welcome to the forum

Did you get the exhaust wet? It's well known tratters fall apart if you get them wet. It's why they have drain holes in the roof and floor. I'm assuming the drive home was a bit of a reality shock...

If it were mine i would fit a standard exhaust.

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