
New Member
I wondered if LandRover drivers in the UK greet/wave or flash lights at eachother when they meet?
Here in Holland most of them do. I will go to Wales in August for a holiday, so I'd like to behave well, you see...

Cheers, Maikel
I do, but I get wierd looks all the time. One guy in another P38 caught on tho after I waved at him 3 days in a row and waved back.
well it's like this. some do, some don't. the more rural the area, the better the chance. However, I drive a freelander and seem to get an altogether different kind of wave...
I have wondered the same thing in the USA. I used to have a Jeep and there is a big WAVE. I don't see many Freelanders like mine (OP's funny), but I do see many Discos and Range Rovers. The urge to wave is really strong in me and I almost have to sit on my hands while driving.

I say do what feels right... A big smile and a wave can only do good, so WAVE LIKE YOU MEAN IT! :5bhurray:
I have wondered the same thing in the USA. I used to have a Jeep and there is a big WAVE. I don't see many Freelanders like mine (OP's funny), but I do see many Discos and Range Rovers. The urge to wave is really strong in me and I almost have to sit on my hands while driving.

I say do what feels right... A big smile and a wave can only do good, so WAVE LIKE YOU MEAN IT! :5bhurray:

hi,if you did wave like that in the UK you would probably get the one or two fingered salute.:eek::D:D:p;);)
hi,if you did wave like that in the UK you would probably get the one or two fingered salute.:eek::D:D:p;);)

I should be used to that salute drivin a Freelander, right? How 'bout this one.....:welcome2:. I do love the "honesty" on this site :p.
I should be used to that salute drivin a Freelander, right? How 'bout this one.....:welcome2:. I do love the "honesty" on this site :p.

its a gaylander on this site not a freelander.:doh::brick::mil79::5bpatriot:
people driving older landys seem to wave more, i think it's cos we understand eachothers pain and it's more of a sympathy wave lol;)

freelanders are really landrovers version of a car, made for peeps who want to drive a 4x4 but are a bit scared of the real thing:p

i own up to owning one about 10 year ago before i knew better:eek::eek::eek:
Thats just becauseall the freelander owners vote for their own :p

Personally, I put down Defender. It doesnt count if you just put your own in.
I voted for the disco because its comfier than the defender and very capable if driven competently.
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