

As title says really, is this a done thing? Thinking if people are aware where you going and when youll return etc...... also im chatting nice and steady avoiding anything where i could get stuck. Have a hi lift and a winch just in case. What do you think?
Some do. some dont.
Best to go with a mate in case yu get stuck. if yu need a winch, you shouldnt be driving it.

Tread lightly.
Totally agree with that!!! Im on a/ts and intending on leaving no trace of me being there. Im more interested in getting away from it all not pay and play stuff.
R U going to be in cell range? Can you do basic/but necessary repairs? I routinely go out on my own, but I don't have a choice as its just not practical here in northern bc. I hunt and get wood quite often by myself. I have a winch, highlift jack, extra battery, a sh.tload of tools, 500' of rope, extra fuel, water, and first aid kit. Plus of course a saw, axe and many years of experience. If a situation looks dodgy I avoid it. as well, Spare parts, fan belt, etc. And ALWAYS tell someone where you r going.
R U going to be in cell range? Can you do basic/but necessary repairs? I routinely go out on my own, but I don't have a choice as its just not practical here in northern bc. I hunt and get wood quite often by myself. I have a winch, highlift jack, extra battery, a sh.tload of tools, 500' of rope, extra fuel, water, and first aid kit. Plus of course a saw, axe and many years of experience. If a situation looks dodgy I avoid it. as well, Spare parts, fan belt, etc. And ALWAYS tell someone where you r going.
This is England he is talking about. If he gets stuck he can walk to the nearest walmart and ask for a tow truck and a cappuccino :p
Phone signal could be an issue, other than that lr is up together, always treating it sympathetically. Spare batt is a good shout as is what was said above about joining a club. Its just my shifts maybe awkward for a club.
Its just my shifts maybe awkward for a club.

Get involved with GLASS, and join some local 4x4 clubs on FB, there are plenty of others in the same situation who cannot make the std Saturday meet up and would like to go greenlaning on a weekday, plus you do not have the other numpties using them then.


As title says really, is this a done thing? Thinking if people are aware where you going and when youll return etc...... also im chatting nice and steady avoiding anything where i could get stuck. Have a hi lift and a winch just in case. What do you think?
Yes, no, maybe.

But if you are having to ask. Then for you probably no.

Not meaning any offense by this. But it stands to reason that you are asking as you are unsure. And you really need to know all the risks and accept them if you are going solo.

Also it depends where the lane is, as in how remote.
If you're confident in your abilities then do so ... Asking the question suggests you shouldn't until you get a bit more experience.

Don't underestimate the ****e that can happen when you're alone. I've had springs fall out due to over articulation, shocks break before even hitting the lanes, diffs/props break due to ****wittery, and seen so many other even less well prepared vehicles just simply stop working or break dramatically. Work out what you'll do if something breaks catastrophically and you're maybe 400 yards from the road, easily done in UK. I know you can walk it, but what then? If you have a phone signal the AA/recovery services won't tow you out. Local farmer might, for a wedge, but mostly you'll have to get public transport home, then over the next day or week arrange with someone to help tow it out and return it home ... if it's still there!

Have a back up plan. Join a club, join Glass, get to know a few 4x4 'mates', practise with the Hi-lift and the winch .. a lot!. When you do go by yourself let someone know where you're going and when to expect you back within a few hours anyway!.

OTOH, I go out laning alone and have always returned, I seem to break far more stuff when in company, so presumably I drive a little less enthusiastically or more sympathetically when alone.

Enjoy it, however you do it .. :)
If you're confident in your abilities then do so
Its a shame.......

All those that are good have doubt and lack confidence....
All those that are not so good have confidence and are generally full of ****....

Greenlaning on your own is like the lottery....... You need a crystal ball or its all down to chance......

Its a bit of a bad post for a GLASS rep tbh, I know folk who literally are overland/expedition/offroad guides and hey up... they just backed into a ditch and couldn't open the boot to get their winch kit out....

It happens.....
For me it depends on the lane or lanes I'd be going down. I've done plenty around by me and in north Wales on my bill but I also know that there's some I wouldn't do on my own with or without a winch.
Research is key as is the willingness to turn around or reverse the length of the lane if needs be. Does get a pain though doing gates on your own :oops:
Its a shame.......

All those that are good have doubt and lack confidence....
All those that are not so good have confidence and are generally full of ****....

Greenlaning on your own is like the lottery....... You need a crystal ball or its all down to chance......

Its a bit of a bad post for a GLASS rep tbh, I know folk who literally are overland/expedition/offroad guides and hey up... they just backed into a ditch and couldn't open the boot to get their winch kit out....

It happens.....

I don't think it's a 'bit of a bad' post for anyone when they read the sentence in it's entirety where I qualify that confidence .. "If you're confident in your abilities then do so ... Asking the question suggests you shouldn't until you get a bit more experience. " but which you chose to disingenuously censor to apply your own spin on it.

No more to say to you on it ...
I don't think it's a 'bit of a bad' post for anyone when they read the sentence in it's entirety where I qualify that confidence .. "If you're confident in your abilities then do so ... Asking the question suggests you shouldn't until you get a bit more experience. " but which you chose to disingenuously censor to apply your own spin on it.

No more to say to you on it ...
There is no are suggesting confidence has anything to do with the outcome.... which it doesn't.... That was my point... based on your post every prick who has confidence would solo it.......... Which is not the right approach.
Depends on the lane, the motor and the driver. I lane every time I go to the office in me focus estate which is perfectly suitable. It's down to you. But it' better to go with some one for photos, p*ss taking and dits.

As title says really, is this a done thing? Thinking if people are aware where you going and when youll return etc...... also im chatting nice and steady avoiding anything where i could get stuck. Have a hi lift and a winch just in case. What do you think?

Its not unusual. But its also often not wise.

I do go out on my own (either completely on my own, or with a passenger but as the only vehicle). I would always make sure I have plenty of equipment with me if going alone, and would only go and do lanes that I already know. If i'm exploring new routes I would always do so with a 2nd vehicle.

Today for example I was on Salisbury plain on my own. One key thing about the plain is there's always plenty of 4x4s out alone, and generally if you do run into trouble there'll be someone else around to help.

So today, I didnt try any new territory (actually, that's a lie, i did one of the military's Permissive Byways - a gravelled track in regular use by cars - that I hadn't driven down before). I stuck to byways that I felt comfortable with, and on one occaision I decided it was safest to turn back than to continue along a route that I wasnt completely comfortable with.

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