
New Member
anyone interested in some lanes on sunday meet corwen around 10.00 some lanes around there then maybe some down towards betsy-coed
Would've been but short notice. I've just poked my nose into "is this right" fred enquiring about this very subject. Anything else going on in North Wales do you know? I'm looking at getting involved with green laning but know diddley. Betws y Coed would be quite accessible for me. regards P.S
I'd love to join you but SWMBO insists that I finish polishing out the scratches from Salisbury plain last weekend before I can come out to play again. Personally, I don't see the point as it's only gonna get all scratched up again innit :confused:
hi i cant go anywere until missus has baby due in the next 3 weeks so cant go to far so will be out end of october hopefully
hiya mate i allready heading yor way on friday afternoon for a week end of laneing up that way followed by two SJs if they make it that far, if you wanna meet up for some lanes that would be good....
yeah you'd be ok in that, you just mop it out after, me bro used to have one, plenty of room in the back take the midwife along to...
yes but they are still there the trick is you leave them in the house get up very early and sneak out of house very quietly
some women like it some dont if she said its me or the hills id be off and she can keep the house ill live in my delica you cant in a landy
Hey come on i spent many a night in the back of my Disco, you can get a double blow up matress in there ok, nice an snug, and i even put a flat screen tv in for just such times when i get kicked out of happy home around the pmt strikes...

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