
Active Member
Family are living over in Bath at the moment and moving to London next month so just wondering is there any good greenlaning in those areas that I would be worth heading over in the 110 for a trip while visiting :)

Nothing too tame as just gentle tracks are abit boring in it but don't want to be squeezing and scraping through trees either :p
Unfortunately most lanes involve some scraping it comes with the territory, the other option is pay and play when you can decide which routes will suit your requirements
Bristol and Bath lanes are 50/50 some tame and wide and some are like driving down sandpaper lined tracks. All are worth a drive. Get an O/S map for the area and check with the ROW office, last time I phoned he said if it's on the map as a byway then it's open.
Cool, thanks. I'll have a look at the maps and see :)

I don't mind some scratchy stuff but it has to have some decent terrain. Driving through dense bushes just to drive along a relatively smooth old gravel track doesn't really appeal to me unless its a means to getting from one point to another.

What pay-and-play sites are in the area? Closer to London would be ideal as I think they are moving there from Bath this month.
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