
New Member
i went green laning tonight and 2 of my local places have big road closed signs at the entrances then i went to another local lane and i had some dick head of a man come jumping from behind a gate flapping is arms at me tryin to throw himself in front of me moron, he then said the police have been informed and i was not allowed to come here again??? this is the same place im been goin for years and is also a byway road and is on my local council website saying it was and still is! is there a new law on its way in?? im heard thru the greatvine that they were planning on banning green laning? has anyone else had simular problems from locals???

Always getting hassle from walkers claiming you're breaking the law. Don't take any notice if you know you have the legal right to be there any attempt to obstruct you is a criminal act. You also have the right to remove any obstacle that is preventing you from using the lane even locked gates.. What are the Road Closed signs like. and is there a road closed notice pinned up anywhere near the entrance to the road.

PM me the location of the lanes in question I'll see what I can find out for you.
If it's a BOAT and if there's not a TRO on it you have every right to be on the lane.I'd like to see any copper give you a section 59 warning for legally driving on a lane !
there is one in oddstone near ibstock road closed signs, and one near shackerstone wair the muppet jumped out at me lol, has anyone got tomtom poi? with legal green lanes?
the tree by the road closed entrance there was a sign that said council byway on the tree? now they have put a gate there now with a padlock onit! w*nkers:mad: whats a tro
TRO = Traffic Restriction Order Phone the highways up and ask if they have been tro'd if not go back and destroy the gate beyond all repair. You are well within you're legal rights to do so.
ring the local highways officer and make sure it is it may have a winter tro or have been closed for repairs

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