There are a few of us in lancashire who go to organised off road events (Briercliffe see calender 6th feb) but we dont know of any decent green lanes, would love to though if you know of any!!
I quite often go on the Simply 4x4 green lane days in Wales. Went on one on Sunday. Great day out.

If anyone is interested, I would like to do a reccy on Hornby Road. It is up by Lancaster. Goes between Lancaster and Settle.

Can't go by myself tho as don't want to get stuck.
Give me a map ref and I will check it out.

There is a road that runs over to Slaidburn Salterfell road but it has a 4x4 TRO on it.


Hi fitz
If you need a partner for checking out Hornby road im interested, always looking for new places to go! will you at Briercliffe on sunday? if you look out for a blue L reg defender
Ah. That could be the one. :(

Will get my map out of the car tomorrow and let you know.

I know of quite a few in North Wales if you fancy a day out that way one day.
Ok. Lets stop talking about it and arrange a date.

How about the first weekend in March? Saturday 5th?
Say we meet in Wales - Corwen?
If anyone wants we can meet up one night before and plan some routes or if not, just meet and go.
That also sounds good to me. Fingers crossed I should have my gearbox sorted by then :D I'd have to come down on the day as well..
I'm up for it, and to the best of my knowlege it doesn't clash with the driving day at tong.
Ok. Thats 4 vehicles :)
Should be a fun day out.

I am going with simply4x4 again on Sunday so will mark some more routes on my map.
Nice one Russ.

Went to North Wales today and did a load of really good trails around the Llangollen area including a raging ford. Really muddy but not too difficult. Lots of snow around today as well. Going to take about 2 hours to clean the disco. :)

Marked all the routes on my map so all set for the 6th if you lot are.
well go to pick my Range Rover up on saturday she is old but solid she is 23 cant wait to get in and take her for a spin ........ all being wellwill be joining you lot


Hi russ, I bet you can't sleep at night! :) There are a few of us from the accy area that like playing in the mud! If you are from accy you might want to take a look at

Back on topic, I am still looking forward to the 5th. Wingy will also be coming but he might come down in mine. What is the plan for the day, where and when will we be meeting? It might be a good idea to start PMing mobile numbers to each other...
Forgot to mention, it's briercliffe in burnley the day after as well, so that could be a great weekends off roadin! :)
We need to meet somewhere handy. Maybe Queensferry? Then we can look at the map and agree on a route. Then get going. Could do with meeting at about 9am.

Not sure how you pm on this site. Any tips Roy?

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