
New Member
Hi Guys

First of I have my flameproof overalls on, and I am not just jumping on here expecting help without first putting some effort in myself.

I have bought a P38 1996 as s second car to do some laning, in hindsight, should have researched first as it doesn't seem the choice of most laners, but anyway its done now.

Fittted 4 new air springs and 4 new General grabber tyres, apart from that its standard.

joined Glass and got access to trail wise, and researched on there a bit.

I have got OS maps, and learned red to read them and read loads of codes of conduct,

I have joined a few forums like NW4x4 , looked for lanes and found some, but the main advice I keep hearing is don't go alone.

I am ready to go out now but don't want to go alone, and I can't seem to find that many organised landing trips for people based up here, I know there is not many lanes near by, but surely people in my area go out? Does anyone know of any clubs I am missing?

Or is there anyone local who fancies a day out showing a newbie the ropes?

Weekdays are better for me, but weekends are still ok.

I will even buy you lunch!

Nw 4x4 is a **** forum now,, and is lucky if it has 10 people aweek on it,,, was a good forum 2 years ago but they banned all the members that did trips and organised days out at pay n plays....
Nw 4x4 is a **** forum now,, and is lucky if it has 10 people aweek on it,,, was a good forum 2 years ago but they banned all the members that did trips and organised days out at pay n plays....

do you know of any other groups forums who organise stuff?

Northern monkeys would be a good club for you with a standard motor, we do have a few lanes around here.
Me and phil are going out one night this week!!!
Keep your eyes on this section, most of the local lads are on here so you'll be able to get onto something either on here or northern monkeys :)
I'm off to the lakes this Friday. Wasn't going to take the disco (cost of fuel), but looking at the weather I'm thinking the disco might be a good idea.

Provided the family don't kick off at the idea, might be interested in a few hours on some easy lanes?
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I have to say the Cumbia CC website is excellent!
Found lots of lanes colour coded which means I can avoid anything too mucky or challenging.
Wish my local councils were as organised.
Northern monkeys would be a good club for you with a standard motor, we do have a few lanes around here.
Me and phil are going out one night this week!!!
As Stu said,

Originally Posted by 300tdistu
NW 4x4 is a **** forum now,, and is lucky if it has 10 people a week on it,,, was a good forum 2 years ago but they banned all the members that did trips and organized days out at pay n plays....

A good one seems to be Northern Monkey.
Many different types of 4x4
They seem to be more catered for general road going 4x4 vehicles, not the "hard core" green lane stuff.


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