
Hi All,

Wonder if anyone can help, I have some free time this Saturday I would
like to try my hand at green Laning in my Disco, can anyone point me
towards known routes please in Surrey??

Many thanks



> Wonder if anyone can help, I have some free time this Saturday I would
> like to try my hand at green Laning in my Disco, can anyone point me
> towards known routes please in Surrey??

Trouble is publishing here gives access to all and can lead to undesirable
treatment of the lanes. Better to try a group or a knowledgable friend.
Dont go on your own in case you get stuck and poor local farmer gets a call
for a tow, better with a pair so as to help each other ( and swear more
clearly ). ;-))

John H


"James" <james.mawson@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
: Hi All,
: Wonder if anyone can help, I have some free time this Saturday I would
: like to try my hand at green Laning in my Disco, can anyone point me
: towards known routes please in Surrey??
: Many thanks
: James

Hi James

2 things

1) you far from Kent (i know that all relative, but some people wibble

2) Join the discovery owners club (www.discoveryownersclub.org) cos I think
the kent section are planning on some laning on sunday


On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:05:58 -0000, "GrnOval"
<simonk@merlion-consultants.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>2) Join the discovery owners club (www.discoveryownersclub.org) cos I think
>the kent section are planning on some laning on sunday

Never joined. Found their decision to limit use of the forum to people
paying them twenty-odd quid somewhat counterproductive to the idea of
one-make clubs generally doing their best to get 'their' product in
front of as many peeps as possible. Yeah, obviously all clubs need
funding but there doesnt seem to be much accountability for the subs,
and somehow or other the other clubs can provide forums without
needing to pay. Call me a cynic, but I dont go in for extortion...

"ty" <ty@ty.ty> wrote in message
: On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:05:58 -0000, "GrnOval"
: <simonk@merlion-consultants.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
: >
: >2) Join the discovery owners club (www.discoveryownersclub.org) cos I
: >the kent section are planning on some laning on sunday
: >
: Never joined. Found their decision to limit use of the forum to people
: paying them twenty-odd quid somewhat counterproductive to the idea of
: one-make clubs generally doing their best to get 'their' product in
: front of as many peeps as possible. Yeah, obviously all clubs need
: funding but there doesnt seem to be much accountability for the subs,
: and somehow or other the other clubs can provide forums without
: needing to pay. Call me a cynic, but I dont go in for extortion...

interesting views, and each to their own - you should try the horse world -
its £10 a month for some of their forums - and that doesn't include
insurance cover for indemnities at events.

And club off road europe is £40 a year to join, and they charge you £2 to go
laning as a member

so like I said, all relative

but as I am only a humble member of the DOC who finds it quite useful, and
the fact that I have saved over £300 in discounts in the last 12 months (not
a bad return on a £27 family membership I feel), well its my view and i'm
happy with it


On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:55:17 -0000, "GrnOval"
<simonk@merlion-consultants.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:

>"ty" <ty@ty.ty> wrote in message
>: On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:05:58 -0000, "GrnOval"
>: <simonk@merlion-consultants.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>: >
>: >2) Join the discovery owners club (www.discoveryownersclub.org) cos I
>: >the kent section are planning on some laning on sunday
>: >
>: Never joined. Found their decision to limit use of the forum to people
>: paying them twenty-odd quid somewhat counterproductive to the idea of
>: one-make clubs generally doing their best to get 'their' product in
>: front of as many peeps as possible. Yeah, obviously all clubs need
>: funding but there doesnt seem to be much accountability for the subs,
>: and somehow or other the other clubs can provide forums without
>: needing to pay. Call me a cynic, but I dont go in for extortion...
>interesting views, and each to their own - you should try the horse world -
>its £10 a month for some of their forums - and that doesn't include
>insurance cover for indemnities at events.
>And club off road europe is £40 a year to join, and they charge you £2 to go
>laning as a member
>so like I said, all relative
>but as I am only a humble member of the DOC who finds it quite useful, and
>the fact that I have saved over £300 in discounts in the last 12 months (not
>a bad return on a £27 family membership I feel), well its my view and i'm
>happy with it

Well I would assume that the hoss world provides something _over and
above_ membership for their fee, and No I dont mean "discounts" with
suppliers - from my experience, these are _always_ provided by the
supplier free in exchange for getting his name in front of the masses.
From what I can see, access to information (which is, lets not forget,
provided by the _members_ of the forum, so hardly something copyright
to the domain owners) is the only genuine benefit of membership and
the cost of providing that resource is equivalent to less than three
annual members. So... cough.... where exactly is the _rest_ of the

Dont get me wrong, I am a member of several clubs which require subs
and I pay them gladly, because (a) I get benefit from them, and (b)
there is a cost in providing what the club give me and I dont see that
they should pay those costs for me. But an online forum aint one of
them, and as I said above, its hardly in keeping with the idea of
expanding the vehicles popularity, is it?
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 19:01:25 GMT, ty <ty@ty.ty> wrote:

Heh! And as if to prove the point, the post I made in the non-members
section of that site, saying pretty much what I said here, lasted
exactly seven MINUTES before the moderators deleted it! So much for
open and transparent discussion, eh?

"ty" <ty@ty.ty> wrote in message
: On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:55:17 -0000, "GrnOval"
: <simonk@merlion-consultants.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
: >
: >"ty" <ty@ty.ty> wrote in message
: >news:erehl21qf4717l5riqb5o8ijnro63fsqf0@4ax.com...
: >: On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:05:58 -0000, "GrnOval"
: >: <simonk@merlion-consultants.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
: >: >
: >: >2) Join the discovery owners club (www.discoveryownersclub.org) cos I
: >think
: >: >the kent section are planning on some laning on sunday
: >: >
: >: Never joined. Found their decision to limit use of the forum to people
: >: paying them twenty-odd quid somewhat counterproductive to the idea of
: >: one-make clubs generally doing their best to get 'their' product in
: >: front of as many peeps as possible. Yeah, obviously all clubs need
: >: funding but there doesnt seem to be much accountability for the subs,
: >: and somehow or other the other clubs can provide forums without
: >: needing to pay. Call me a cynic, but I dont go in for extortion...
: >
: >interesting views, and each to their own - you should try the horse
world -
: >its £10 a month for some of their forums - and that doesn't include
: >insurance cover for indemnities at events.
: >
: >And club off road europe is £40 a year to join, and they charge you £2 to
: >laning as a member
: >
: >so like I said, all relative
: >
: >but as I am only a humble member of the DOC who finds it quite useful,
: >the fact that I have saved over £300 in discounts in the last 12 months
: >a bad return on a £27 family membership I feel), well its my view and i'm
: >happy with it
: >
: >Si
: >
: Well I would assume that the hoss world provides something _over and
: above_ membership for their fee, and No I dont mean "discounts" with
: suppliers - from my experience, these are _always_ provided by the
: supplier free in exchange for getting his name in front of the masses.
: From what I can see, access to information (which is, lets not forget,
: provided by the _members_ of the forum, so hardly something copyright
: to the domain owners) is the only genuine benefit of membership and
: the cost of providing that resource is equivalent to less than three
: annual members. So... cough.... where exactly is the _rest_ of the
: money?

I wish the horse world did - but its £10 a month just for the right to post
to a forum! nothing else

like I say - each to their own


ty wrote:
> Dont get me wrong, I am a member of several clubs which require subs
> and I pay them gladly, because (a) I get benefit from them, and (b)
> there is a cost in providing what the club give me and I dont see that
> they should pay those costs for me. But an online forum aint one of
> them, and as I said above, its hardly in keeping with the idea of
> expanding the vehicles popularity, is it?

I'm a DOC member and find it worth every penny. Notwithstanding your views
on supplier discounts etc the DOC is not juts an on-line forum. They
organise many events which require club insurance, and membership gains you
associate access to the Wayfinder Green Lane Database which saves you money
and would have provided the information you initially posted enquiring of.

Many of us are members of other forums and clubs such as GLASS, Mud-Club etc
and I still find the combined knowledge on the DOC forum and the general
helpfulness worth every penny.

I have no idea why your post was deleted but it's not a heavily moderated
forum and many other non-members have posted queries and received responses
so maybe this was a one off error?

Darren Griffin
PocketGPSWorld - www.PocketGPSWorld.com
The Premier GPS Resource for News, Reviews and Forums

On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 20:37:06 -0000, "Darren Griffin -
PocketGPSWorld.Com" <darren@pocketgpsworld.com> wrote:

Hello Darren (I'll come back to that in a minute)

>ty wrote:
>> Dont get me wrong, I am a member of several clubs which require subs
>> and I pay them gladly, because (a) I get benefit from them, and (b)
>> there is a cost in providing what the club give me and I dont see that
>> they should pay those costs for me. But an online forum aint one of
>> them, and as I said above, its hardly in keeping with the idea of
>> expanding the vehicles popularity, is it?

>I'm a DOC member and find it worth every penny. Notwithstanding your views
>on supplier discounts etc the DOC is not juts an on-line forum.

As someone running a similar forum you'll be well aware that the
supplier discounts are as I said - in fact its quite likely that
suppliers offering discounted services to members via an ad on a forum
will actually be _paying_ for that, rather than _charging_.

>organise many events which require club insurance, and membership gains you

which are of course chargeable for participants. BTW, I'm not the OP!

>associate access to the Wayfinder Green Lane Database which saves you money
>and would have provided the information you initially posted enquiring of.

Again, there would have been little or more likely no cost to the DOC
to have that associate facility for members

>Many of us are members of other forums and clubs such as GLASS, Mud-Club etc
>and I still find the combined knowledge on the DOC forum and the general
>helpfulness worth every penny.

As I said before, I too am a member of several on and off line clubs
too and am happy to pay membership fees where applicable, including
both those you mention and (gulp) the Pajero Owners Club (yep, okay, I
know...). The point is, _all_ those organisations provide an online
forum _without_ charges.

>I have no idea why your post was deleted but it's not a heavily moderated
>forum and many other non-members have posted queries and received responses
>so maybe this was a one off error?

Who knows?
Anyway, as I started... Hello Darren. What a bizarre coincidence that
you should pop up in this discussion. I've been a member of
pocketgpsworld forums for quite some time too, long before the
(in)famous decision to charge for the download. That's not what this
thread is about though, so we'll not go down that road save to say
that I kept quiet about it but had a great deal of sympathy with the
objectors to charging.

The coincidence to my way of thinking is that your position mirrors
that in your own forums - the _useful_ part of the DOC site is the
info given freely by the members, and the most useful part of pgpsw is
the camera database, similarly provided by the members. Although the
charge levied in your case is much smaller, the returns generated are
substantially larger - not to put too fine a point on it you made a
bit of a killing on the backs of site members and DOC _appear_ to be
doing likewise. Now I paid my two quid and I'm happy to continue doing
so as I think the benefit worthwhile, but if you're so sure that
charging for forum access is acceptable, why are your forums free?
ty wrote:
> As someone running a similar forum you'll be well aware that the
> supplier discounts are as I said - in fact its quite likely that
> suppliers offering discounted services to members via an ad on a forum
> will actually be _paying_ for that, rather than _charging_.

I cannot disagree with that point!

> BTW, I'm not the OP!

Apols, my mistake

>> associate access to the Wayfinder Green Lane Database which saves
>> you money and would have provided the information you initially
>> posted enquiring of.

> Again, there would have been little or more likely no cost to the DOC
> to have that associate facility for members

Maybe so but the facility is only available to recognised clubs

> The coincidence to my way of thinking is that your position mirrors
> that in your own forums - the _useful_ part of the DOC site is the
> info given freely by the members, and the most useful part of pgpsw is
> the camera database, similarly provided by the members.

I would hope that we (PPGPS) provide vastly more than the database!

> Although the
> charge levied in your case is much smaller, the returns generated are
> substantially larger - not to put too fine a point on it you made a
> bit of a killing on the backs of site members and DOC _appear_ to be
> doing likewise. Now I paid my two quid and I'm happy to continue doing
> so as I think the benefit worthwhile, but if you're so sure that
> charging for forum access is acceptable, why are your forums free?

I have no knowledge of the finances of DOC but as it is a club and not a
business any profits would have to be spent for the good of the club, there
are no employees or owners?

Perhaps there is merit in making the forums themselves free to all, members
and non-members alike, my point was merely that I and many others think its
worth the fee, it is of course a personal choice.
Darren Griffin
PocketGPSWorld - www.PocketGPSWorld.com
The Premier GPS Resource for News, Reviews and Forums

James <james.mawson@hotmail.co.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny about:
> Hi All,
> Wonder if anyone can help, I have some free time this Saturday I would
> like to try my hand at green Laning in my Disco, can anyone point me
> towards known routes please in Surrey??
> Many thanks
> James

www.mud-club.com join, enjoy, tis free!

Lee D

Anti's - Give them enough rope and they'll be stuck in a ditch with a lot of

James wrote:

> Hi All,
> Wonder if anyone can help, I have some free time this Saturday I would
> like to try my hand at green Laning in my Disco, can anyone point me
> towards known routes please in Surrey??
> Many thanks
> James

Surrey county council have a list of rights of way on their website & any
relevant traffic orders. Their website seems very slow at the moment


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