
February 2016 marks the 5th anniversary of the Scottish Green Road Club. The club now has over 300 Members.
Life Membership of the SGRC is £25 and each run is £10 per vehicle.
As the law in Scotland is different to that in England and Wales, most of our runs are on private land behind locked gates, with the kind permission of the Landowners. Most of our runs are on the vast estates around West and Central Scotland. Runs are limited to vehicles of the Land Rover Marque.
Recently we formed a sister club, the Scottish Green Training Club, the aim of which is to allow members to try out some off roading and "mud plugging" under safe, non-competitive conditions with experienced marshalls around for recovery/help should it be required. All members of the SGRC automatically become members of the SGTC free of charge. The SGTC is affilliated to the Scottish Association of Car Clubs and the MSA.
The SGTC has had two outings in 2015. One to Torphichen and one to Lamancha. Both run under MSA Permit.
The Club also has a fairly lively forum to which there is a link on the Club Website
Please be warned to have your sound turned low when entering the Website. The music is Atholl Highlander, the tune of the Atholl Highlanders, the only private army in Europe.
Why not come in and join us. You'll be made most welcome.

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