
New Member
does anyone know how could i get hold of green laning maps for most of wales especially south wales?

any help would be great
There's 3 routes to getting yourself the map you require:
  • Check with the County Councils Rights of Way officer what is driveable by asking to see the definitive map. Then mark up your own OS map. Before going out each time give the RoW Officer a call to ask if there are any closures on your planned route.
  • Make friend with someone who does this
  • Join GLASS. The Green Lane Association (GLASS) have a record of Rights of Way on-line (called the Wayfinder Project) which will give you an idea of what has vehicular rights, but not what is currently closed. So you'll need to keep in contact with the local area GLASS representative, who is just another person like you or me who has made contact with the local RoW officer.
People will suggest other ways, but they are not watertight. For example - you can get an OS map - but that will only give you an idea of what might have vehicular rights, or even the correct status of rights of way.

Now here starts a bit of a rant, which is not aimed at you at all, but it might give you an indication of my frustration with the individuals I've shared my laning maps with.

You might also ask why don't we exchange lane information? Well my experience is varied - I've shared info with many people. Chris Jones is a good example of a responsible laner, who wanted to go laning in the Lake District. I sent him the route cards, we discussed the routes on the phone. He drove them, sent me a few pics - and he said thank you. He also gave me an open invite to explore lanes with him in his area. Other people have taken the routes - and run! Often without acknowledgement, thanks or offer of reciprocation. One bloke disappeared off this forum and gave me a false phone number. What's all that about?:mad: I put together a route map, with photos, route notes and advice for another fella last October, and didn't even get an acknowlegement - until prompted (no it wasn't you Darren, twas someone else, but this might answer why you got a sh+te-ogram off me last week!).

Therefore in future I will only be sharing lane information with people who will share lane info with me. I am sick and tired of doing all the leg work for others, so in future I'll only share my maps and GPS Memory Map routes with poeple I've been laning with.

Rant over:D Happy laning. (pic below is us out in Mid Wales).

Kinnell that photo you lucky lucky bastard.

therefore in future I will only be sharing lane information with people who will share lane info with me.

Old Yorkshire saying :-

"You can't help them as can't help themselves"

New Yorkshire saying :-

"So fcuk them afore they fcuk you"
hi widget sorry for being so dum but were is the best place to get os maps and how wud i go about joining glass as im just getting started and have no idea thanks for eney help
hi widget sorry for being so dum but were is the best place to get os maps and how wud i go about joining glass as im just getting started and have no idea thanks for eney help

FFS I wouldn't worry about an OS map!:mad: I'd learn to read a calendar 1st. Have you seen the date on this thread? :doh:

Oh and any WH Smiths or Waterstones or camping shop will stock OS Maps. or yu can go online and visit the OS website or
There's 3 routes to getting yourself the map you require:
  • Check with the County Councils Rights of Way officer what is driveable by asking to see the definitive map. Then mark up your own OS map. Before going out each time give the RoW Officer a call to ask if there are any closures on your planned route.
  • Make friend with someone who does this
  • Join GLASS. The Green Lane Association (GLASS) have a record of Rights of Way on-line (called the Wayfinder Project) which will give you an idea of what has vehicular rights, but not what is currently closed. So you'll need to keep in contact with the local area GLASS representative, who is just another person like you or me who has made contact with the local RoW officer.
People will suggest other ways, but they are not watertight. For example - you can get an OS map - but that will only give you an idea of what might have vehicular rights, or even the correct status of rights of way.

Now here starts a bit of a rant, which is not aimed at you at all, but it might give you an indication of my frustration with the individuals I've shared my laning maps with.

You might also ask why don't we exchange lane information? Well my experience is varied - I've shared info with many people. Chris Jones is a good example of a responsible laner, who wanted to go laning in the Lake District. I sent him the route cards, we discussed the routes on the phone. He drove them, sent me a few pics - and he said thank you. He also gave me an open invite to explore lanes with him in his area. Other people have taken the routes - and run! Often without acknowledgement, thanks or offer of reciprocation. One bloke disappeared off this forum and gave me a false phone number. What's all that about?:mad: I put together a route map, with photos, route notes and advice for another fella last October, and didn't even get an acknowlegement - until prompted (no it wasn't you Darren, twas someone else, but this might answer why you got a sh+te-ogram off me last week!).

Therefore in future I will only be sharing lane information with people who will share lane info with me. I am sick and tired of doing all the leg work for others, so in future I'll only share my maps and GPS Memory Map routes with poeple I've been laning with.

Rant over:D Happy laning. (pic below is us out in Mid Wales).


Well apart from the fact that the photo is missing from photobucket...

If you ever want to come out laning down Herts/Essex way get in touch, we'll happily share info with you and its always nice to show someone from afar our little routes. A few nice fords, both deep and long (longest in UK I am told) and some really nice scenic lanes.

Nor fishing for your routes at the moment cos I don't suppose I'll be in your neck of the woods for a long while yet!


Well apart from the fact that the photo is missing from photobucket...

If you ever want to come out laning down Herts/Essex way get in touch, we'll happily share info with you and its always nice to show someone from afar our little routes. A few nice fords, both deep and long (longest in UK I am told) and some really nice scenic lanes.

Nor fishing for your routes at the moment cos I don't suppose I'll be in your neck of the woods for a long while yet!



That mite have summat to do with the fact it was posted 3 years ago. :doh:

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