Where in Little eaton .. do you have grid coordinates? or it's name?
Where in Little eaton .. do you have grid coordinates? or it's name?
It's moor lane go through little eaton from derby just on the way out of little eaton its on the right there is sign saying gem and a dead end sign it starts off as Tarmac then gets well muddy there's other lanes off it to right that you don't wanna try alone. A local man says you can get out at the other end but I stopped after the first sheep dip because I've taken my guards off
Where in Little eaton .. do you have grid coordinates? or it's name?
It's not a green lane, it doesn't look to me like it's legal to drive. Do you mean the tracks going to the quarries near Horsley castle?
Actually I might be wrong .. ;) It's NOT a green lane it's marked as an unclassified road so actually looks OK to drive .. ;)

Might have to wander out and drive it one day .. ;)
Actually I might be wrong .. ;) It's NOT a green lane it's marked as an unclassified road so actually looks OK to drive .. ;)

Might have to wander out and drive it one day .. ;)
It's a named lane it goes onto bracelet gate lane where you get out so its legal
Well, Brackley Gate lane, but yes, as I say it ain't a Byway, the definition of a Green Lane, it's unclassified, so is probably legal to drive!

I've sent an information request into DCC online to get a formal reply on rights of way .. :)
Actually, that's how I find a lot of different routes .. I don't _just_ drive Byways, I also use a lot of unclassified roads that are not private as they are also often not maintained and are often 'better' than many proper green lanes. They've acknowledged my request so I expect an answer some time next week .. ;)
Ok m8 I'm new to this but I've been round Derbyshire with the os map and drove some green lanes but this lane is better by far.
LOL, I guessed .. no sweat. Keep an eye out in the Green Laning section, we're often out, though probably don't say it too often 'cos we go out as a group that's big enough already!
Heheh, got a reply!!

Gob-smacked 'cos Councils are usually glacial in terms of speed of response ..

"Hello Mr D,

I write in reply to your query, below.
The route is a non-classified highway, and there is currently a claim to add the route to the Definitive Map as a Byway Open to All Traffic..
David Jenkinson

Public Rights of Way Assistant [Workdays; Monday to Thursday]
Economy, Transport and Environment Department
Derbyshire County Council, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3RY
If you have an enquiry about Rights of Way then please use the online reporting facility here https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/report_it_rightsofwayor email eteprow@derbyshire.gov.uk . Alternatively you can phone Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190."

So yep, totally legal to drive .. ;) I'm following it up via Glass though 'cos I suspect the claim to add it as a Byway is from the last round of DMMO's and might not actually be as good for us Green-Laners as it sounds .. I'll keep you posted.
I also told the Derbyshire Glass rep, he's away on holiday at the moment, no doubt he might also get back on it when he returns .. :)
Heheh, got a reply!!

Gob-smacked 'cos Councils are usually glacial in terms of speed of response ..

"Hello Mr D,

I write in reply to your query, below.
The route is a non-classified highway, and there is currently a claim to add the route to the Definitive Map as a Byway Open to All Traffic..
David Jenkinson

Public Rights of Way Assistant [Workdays; Monday to Thursday]
Economy, Transport and Environment Department
Derbyshire County Council, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3RY
If you have an enquiry about Rights of Way then please use the online reporting facility here https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/report_it_rightsofwayor email eteprow@derbyshire.gov.uk . Alternatively you can phone Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190."

So yep, totally legal to drive .. ;) I'm following it up via Glass though 'cos I suspect the claim to add it as a Byway is from the last round of DMMO's and might not actually be as good for us Green-Laners as it sounds .. I'll keep you posted.
I also told the Derbyshire Glass rep, he's away on holiday at the moment, no doubt he might also get back on it when he returns .. :)
Ok thanks for that I've spoke to a local man he said the local people have been off-roading it for decades and last time he went up there it had been raining and the water was up to the bottom of his snorkel and the tracks climbing up to right are very testing.
All I'd say to that is that the only 'legal' lane to drive along there is the one through route, the other tracks are private .. anything you do on those lanes might result in a section 59 ...
Was passing near Little Eaton today so thought it would be rude not to go and have a look. I last did this lane 30 odd years ago on 2 wheels, when I lived nearby in Kilburn, and both Moor Lane and the lane that climbs off to the right at the end of the tarmac were in regular use, although even then only Moor Lane was technically legal (things were a bit more relaxed back then!)
There has been a lot of work to attempt to block off the most used routes through the woods off to the right of the lane and a lot of anti fly tipping posters along the route. It's a nice easy lane to do if in the area but, with the exception of some potentialy very deep and muddy puddles, pretty easy and, on drier days, it's obviously been used by plenty of vans judging by the amount of fly tipping on there!! It's a great pitty that virtualy every other lane in the area has dissapeared, used to be able to make a day of it without going any further North than Belper.
To sum up, deffinitely worth a drive if you're in the area but not really worth making a long detour for. Although there are a few excelent pubs nearby so you could combine a visit to The Hollybush at Makeney, the Dead Poets, Spotted Cow or Wheel at Holbrook or the Black Bulls Head at Openwoodgate (amongst others) to make it worthwhile :D
Tis a good lane, been mentioned on here a few times. I used to pass through there regular in my disco, marked on os map as a regular type road like Paul says. Lots of fly tipping though, and off-piste driving round the woods though this seems to be legally accepted.
I popped up to Moor Lane today for a look.

I got as far as a fork in the road then stopped as I wasn't sure which way was the through route and also I was alone and getting stuck was in the back of my mind even though the first section didn't look too bad.

If anyone else in Derby fancies meeting up one weekend and going through this lane / others I would love to join in?

The fun looking mud to the left:



And the hill to the right:

I am up for a trip out in the area. I dont live far. I want to do some laning having never been yet but would rather not go on my own just in case.
I am up for a trip out in the area. I dont live far. I want to do some laning having never been yet but would rather not go on my own just in case.

Hi tpress, there are also some localish lanes reviewed in the August Landrover Owner International magazine - I don't know if you have seen it?

My friend's stepson Wills is interested too and I am hoping to meet up with him this weekend for a chat. The problem is he works in farming so is very busy with the harvest right now.

What vehicle do you have and do you have any equipment like ropes etc?

Hopefully between the three if us we can try some gentle laning - I think Wills is more used to hardcore off roading but he would be up for it and hopefully has some equipment in case anyone gets stuck. Stay tuned - will update this thread shortly.
Sounds great.
I have a 2" raised Disco 1 with mud tyres and do pay and play so am used to off roading a little bit. I have a recovery strap but no winch yet. I have recovery points on the vehicle. I dont have a CB but can get one soon if we start to do this. I just havent had the need to yet.
Look forward to hearing from you.

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