
New Member
Just wondered if anyone can point me in the direction of some green lanes to take my landrover on.

Preferable around berks (reading) area but anywhere nearish would be awesome.

I hope to get it to a couple of off road places, but for the time being i just wanna get it a little muddy.

So if people can suggest any roads to go on/to or websites to find such places.

Also are there maps with such roads on? OS maps?

Not done any of this before so all information welcome.

where abouts in reading are you? there are a few lanes around wokingham. cant be arsed to explain about 1:50,000 OS maps again, check out old threads in this section, should learn something.

if you fancy a drive these guys have a day on the 9th (this sunday)


their just off the M27, might see you there :)

cant make this weekend im afraid. Im actually in bracknell so very close to workingham.

Just got the landrover and want to find a non tarmacked road untill i can get to a proper 4x4 day.

Do you have a postcode or anything for a road near wokingham? I hope to go find something tomorrow just to get its feet wet :)

Thanks for the advice!
cant make this weekend im afraid. Im actually in bracknell so very close to workingham.

Just got the landrover and want to find a non tarmacked road untill i can get to a proper 4x4 day.

Do you have a postcode or anything for a road near wokingham? I hope to go find something tomorrow just to get its feet wet :)

Thanks for the advice!

check out you local OS map. all the lanes are marked. find one near to you then follow it up with a phone call to the councils rights of way officer to confirm it's status.

Or join the wayfinder website and checkout the lanes locations on there.

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