
Active Member
Oil leak is "full" to "add oil" mark in 500 odd miles.......and now there is a gentle cam speed mid range tap tap tap at anything up to a fast idle with or without serpentine belt on an engine that has only done 500 odd miles!!!

Thoroughly and utterly fed up now.....:(
simple stuff first ......

could the tap be tappets settling down?

oil loss - have you checked for leaks?
.....a calming voice....

I should have put on that.....it's been back for a "pumped" cam follower and for the leak to be checked...looks like it's coming from the sump gasket......

So i drove it back and as far as going ridiculously well (had a full balance) fantastic but.....oil leak still there and now the tap tap tap......spoken to the company since posting and they have said if i take it back they will strip, diagnose and fix it while i wait.....

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