I went as I live 15 miles away and I had a free ticket courtesy of the Goodwinch LRO advert. It was OK for a freebie but I've have felt a bit robbed if I'd paid for it.

Good points

Well attended by fellow LR enthusiasts
Some good show deals (got a pair of LED headlights pretty cheap)
Seemed to be very "on message" with the exhibitors, all useful LR related stuff. Nothing annoys me more than going to a boat show and there's stand after stand selling hot tubs, chinese medicine, log cabins etc etc
Small enough to be ideal with a baby, he didn't run out of patience before we were done
The indoor element works well, the weather can't spoil it
Real room to grow and be a decent little show
No real queues in or out

Bad points

Exhibitors...please...for goodness sake, wear some kind of corporate T-shirt or something. How the hell do we know who we need to talk to if you're just in jeans and a hoody talking to other people in jeans and hoodies? I left two stands without spending money because of this.
NAEC, please for goodness sake unlock the bins and loos in the car park. Babies make this kind of thing important.
I'd have been a bit dissapointed if I'd paid a lot or driven a long way but appreciate it's early days
Not sure some of the exhibitors/demos I was hoping to see were actually there?
The autojumble seemed to be only a few stands. Some more would have been great.

But all in all a good local day out...hope the show grows and flourishes.
Not great with a todddler, waited for food to be told it's curry and rice or chips. No good for a 20 month old however I did have food for him. Probably won't go again unless it's bigger. Walked around in 30 minutes a few good bargains but it needs to massivlynup ramp the second hand section and that needs the prices to drop because it wasn't cheap to be on a stand.
Would not go again. Only 40 mins up the road for me but would rather stay home and cut the lawns!!!
In particular the auto jumble was terrible.
Yeah i hate to be negative but it was pretty weak, maybe i went with high expectations but it seemed slap dash.

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