mr mac


I have incorrectly greased my rear shaft

I greased the UJ's Untill clear grease came out but then the centre nipple I kept pumping and pumping expecting it to come out of some where but never

After reading I read I should of only done a couple on the middle nipple not the 100 I done.

Would this cause a problem??


I take it that you are referring to the nipple on the prop shaft?

If so, remember that it is a long, empty tube with a spline at the end to allow for movement.

Unless you have filled the tube, the chances of doing any damage are minimal as any excess would come out through the spline.

Hope this helps.
You must have a better than average seal on your prop spline for the grease not to escape there.If you get a vibration from the rear now it may be that grease unevenly distributed in the prop tube.
You must have a better than average seal on your prop spline for the grease not to escape there.If you get a vibration from the rear now it may be that grease unevenly distributed in the prop tube.
Centrifugal force will distribute the grease to the outer edges inside the tube, so there should be no extra vibration. ;);)
Many thanks all

And any tip how to reach the front drive shaft UJ's as they are awkward to get to

Many thanks all
And any tip how to reach the front drive shaft UJ's as they are awkward to get to

In what way are they awkward to get at, they are no different than the rears?

Two easy ways.
1. On flat level ground, leave vehicle in neutral with handbrake off, lay underneath and move vehicle backwards / forwards slightly until each of the six grease-nipples has rotated to a position where the grease-gun slips on.
2. Raise vehicle on axle-stands, leave vehicle in neutral with handbrake off, lay underneath and rotate the props until each of the six grease-nipples has rotated to a position where the grease-gun slips on.

Personally I use method-1 as my driveway is completely flat and the vehicle stays perfectly still until I move it, obviously if your ground is anything other than 100% level then don't even try it.
Doing it like this I get underneath and have all grease-points done in a couple of minutes.

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