
New Member
Hi all!

I did an oil change on my 1994 300tdi disco today and whilst underneath noticed grease on the inside of the passenger side wheel! Took the wheel off and it's all over the back of the brake disk and pads! It looks as though something has been leaking for a while as mud has stuck to the swivel housing.

Could it be a swivel oil seal or another seal? Have had a search on here but couldn't find the same symptoms.

Is it an easy enough job to take the stub axle out myself to check or is it a garage job?

Cheers Matt
swivle is about the only place there is grease in that i know of.

inspect the swivle for scores or heavy weare or pitting, if thats ok and its just the rubber gone then i have heard you can do it without striping, undo the flange that holds the swivle seal and drop it away and cut old seal off.

then with the new swivle cut a straitht cut through it at the top and put it in situe then use some mastic to seal it back up then replace the flange and leave mastic to cure.

just make sure ther is no weare to the joint in there and there aint loads of water ingress in it, if there is then you will have to strip it right out

now i have never done this my self but one of my freinds has and he recons he has had no issues with both of his, h just toped it up with 1 sht grease.

plus throw your pads and replace with new pads both sides once you have cleaned disk off (dont want to treat you as dumb but i have known pepole clean contaminated pads before)

hope this helps, cheers baz
sounds like the swivel seals are shot.
look for 'buster how to' thread on swivels
it's not a hard job to do just that it can be a pain to set the pre-load
I wouldn't have thought a swivel seal would enable grease to get on to the brake disc and pads unless the swivel grease was dripping off the swivel and being blown on to the disc. Hub seal is a more likely suspect.

Hub seal is easy enough to do and will give you an opportunity to check your wheel bearings. It may be just as well to change the wheel bearings while you're at it and that way you will know that they are done and that they are properly greased up.
Was going to say sounds more like the inner hub seal has gone rather than the swivel seal. My rangie did the same last year. It is an easy job to do but you will need a hub nut spanner(52mm i think) and a new lock washer for the hub nuts. if it has got oil on the brake disc then it goes without saying that the pads will need replacing also!
Was going to say sounds more like the inner hub seal has gone rather than the swivel seal. My rangie did the same last year. It is an easy job to do but you will need a hub nut spanner(52mm i think) and a new lock washer for the hub nuts. if it has got oil on the brake disc then it goes without saying that the pads will need replacing also!

Thats right its classic hub seal, but I wouldnt just change the bearings check them to see if they are worn, pitted or the tracks in the hub are ridged, the locking washer can also be used a few times, just be carefull how you knock it back.

The box key is available from paddocks and only a few quid.

The pads will probably be contaminated as said so change them, and remember to get a set of new retaining clips for them sometimes they dont come with the pads.
Ahh thats great thanks chaps! Will investigate that then! I may see if my local motorfactors has a hub seal kit, need to go there for a new uj for the prob as that has decided to go now too!


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