
Looks like I have the classic problem of the auto box not wanting to change up when cold on my V8. Have done a search and it appears to be the governer valve clogging up, can it be cleaned with the sump pan off or will the box need to come out to get to it? Any help with locating it please as well would be great. Thanks.
Its located at the back end of the auto box, so the transfer box has to come out to get to it.

Out of interest, Have you tried an oil and filter change, then run it for another 100-200 miles and then drop the oil again.

It "may" sort it for you.
^^^ WHS ^^^ or do a flush.

I would also clean out the governer after that too as a belt and braces measure.
Was going to try changing the oil and filter, is it much more work to remove the transfer box to get to the governer valve?

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