
New Member
Ey up all, just thought I'd drop a line & make meself known.
Posted a couple of times in the disco forum about some probs that I had over christmas not starting.....
'Spose I should explain - started off a few years back when I got my first landy - sIII lwb safari ex police, lovely lovely car, but the increasing amount of work needed & nowhere to do it meant that keeping it was getting impractical - still miss it!
then a while later managed to pick up a SIIa 88 '72 not in brilliant nick -hand painted black, needed a bit of work but loads of fun with van top & soft top (best fun with no top & the screen down). Missus put paid to that one making me sell it. Skip forward a couple of years & now I've got her the disco - '96 3.9iXS, which is nice, it's a proper car but doesnt really do it for me, so as my 'toy' I managed to buy back my old sIIa from my mate. It's in a bit of a sorry state, springs & shocks need replacing, a few more dents need bashing, chrome domes need replacing, smiths heater needs rebuilding, etc but it's going to be great fun doing it & the chassis is in pretty good nick. Not going to go back to proper original, but not going to go silly....
Well, prob'ly be on here from time to time asking about bits 'n' bobs.

Cheers all


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