
Well-Known Member
Jan/feb this year (2013) I bought some wide angle props from a local 4x4 shop / garage, to go with the rest if my suspention setup which I bought from the very helpful gwyn Lewis,

Since my props went on I have had to free off the list 4 times and rebuild my rear diff 4 times as the prop keeps seizing and braking the diff,

This has happened again now and I've just removed the rear prop and ground it seized again and the uj has broken into bits ( its still in place but in bits)

I've checked the front prop and gess what th uj is also broken and there's play in the diff but I hav not removed ths yet to check if it is seized,

Now I have greased them befor and after every pay and play, and my Landy hasn't even done 2.5k miles since these were fit,

I have spoke o the shop in the past regarding this issue and basicly got told to **** off, I had used then off road ( he had seen me. A pay and play) so there was no warrenty what ever, I spoke with citizens advise and they have told me to write to them and under the not fit for purpose act they have to sort it,

What's your tke in this? I know mine, I wish I'd bought them from gwyn Lewis instead.
It comes down to what is considered reasonable off road use and what isn't. How you could prove one way or the other would (I imagine) be impossible to define? You say the seller told you to '**** off', not good from a responsible trader. If you take the advice of the CAB and the seller disputes the case then that could lead to a long drawn out legal wrangle, you could end up with court costs. If I were in your shoes I would put it down to a bad experience and move on ;)
You play you pay............. Not a snow balls chance in hell for money back. sorry to say that.......
the CAB said that because I had bought the to use on a 4x4 / off roader and the company advertise selling parts for off road use and been specilist at preping cars for off roading and it is not displayed on the item that it can not be used off road, apparently they don't have a leg to stand on.
The sale if goods states, must be fit for purpose and last a reasonable length of time, 9 months and less than 2.5k miles for a pair of prop shafts costing over £300 is not a reasnoable length of time or amount of use.
I can't help regarding the law but take the CAB advise, send them a letter, pursue it until it starts to cost you daft money and then bad mouth there company as much as possible if un resolved. Meanwhile buy the greasable bailey morris ones from poppa G.
I have a friend that sells similar stuff online and in a shop, he is sending me a letter to adjust to suit as he has to deal with this kind of thing quite often,

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