

Got a quote for 2 Series III doors to replace the rotten doors on my 110. Got offered

"2 complete doors from ex raf vehicle with aluminium tops with sliding windows and series 3 type bottoms in VGC" - £150 each.

I had a look on fleabay, couldn't find anything similar except this where 1 went for £200! Landrover Defender Series 3 Door on eBay (end time 17-Jul-10 13:59:07 BST)

but the halves on their own are much cheaper.

Anyway, are they worth that? Not bothered about colour as plan is to repaint whole vehicle eventually.

Also, do I need anything else to make them fit?

Hiya bigcarorguk, Try L.R. Series for your door's I am goning to be getting a set for the old series 2a landy which are only £64.61 inc. of VAT (part #395529) so I doubt defender doors will be much dearer than that and I'm not sure about the door tops I haven't looked at the price of those.
Hi jaycraft

Thanks a lot for that - in the end I went for those doors... managed to get the price down a bit and worked out OK cos scored free shipping via Pos (always a nightmare to things to Guernsey..)

But that's a cracking website, definitely bookmarking that for all the little bits n bobs I'm likely to need!


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