
New Member
Would like to say that whilst some rangies are problematic,mine is an absolute cracker.On a 97 plate 4.6 hse it has served me well,I hear quite a lot of negativity about rangie's but I would'nt have anything else.Give these monsters of the the road some respect, come the winter every f@@er wants one.Any how I've had my rant,been on the **** all day and now i'm out to work on the taxi's nite all.
Would like to say that whilst some rangies are problematic,mine is an absolute cracker.On a 97 plate 4.6 hse it has served me well,I hear quite a lot of negativity about rangie's but I would'nt have anything else.Give these monsters of the the road some respect, come the winter every f@@er wants one.Any how I've had my rant,been on the **** all day and now i'm out to work on the taxi's nite all.

You've done it ow now !
Jinxed yourself ! Lol