
I remember when I was a kid I used to go with my dad and literally walk around a scrapyard tar things off cars, pay for it and get it home...

Does anyone know if these still exist, east Anglia preferably.

It all seems to have moved I line to find car parts...
You can still wander round the the two I know of. I think they just prefer an easy life and just crush what the punters don't pick off. Turnaround time is only about two weeks now, so you have to be lucky to find the car you need.
Let's hope a queue of Evoques are leading the way to the nearest scrapyard 🤬
I know of one that still lets you remove the parts yourself. I prefer that way as you get to see how to remove it. You will likely also take more care removing a part you need yourself.

You would be unlikely to find a Series Land Rover in one nowadays. They do sometimes have Discoverys or P38/L322 Range Rovers.
Yea, the good ones are few and far between. Of two closest to me one deals only in Fords and they will let you look around, the other, which was once good now only sell the major parts. To trade only !

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