
Well-Known Member
Hi All

Had an issue a while back with a bit of the front nearside coil snapping off and took it to the local LR Dealer for a replacement and full inspection of both sides since I only have book knowledge and no real experience. This was not a cheap option but I had thought it would be worth it, what a muppet I is...

So less than 100 miles later I had the same issue on the other side and the dealer response was 'could happen at any time'. Asked them to get in a coil and fit in the hope they would take note of how much I spent on the inspection but three weeks later they still have not got the part in. They have offered an OEM one but if I am going to do that I may as well use someone who will be a lot closer and a lot cheaper.

This is where you chaps and chapesses come in....Any recommendations of someone in the Fortrose/Rosemarkie/Avoch area to do the work? I realise it is not complex but I do not have the tools. space. skills or patience to do this and getting it wrong would mean the bill gets a few noughts added to the end
Any local garage will do, it is just a stand maccy strutt, any old cheap spring will also do the job.

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