
Having a senior moment
Hi Folks, I have a disco, mud terrains and thats about it. Doing mostly green lanes. I'll be honest, the only thing that scares the living bejesus out of me is the thought of sliding sideways and rolling when trying a steep hill climb or descent, (though obviously not on the lanes).

If this is not s stupid question (in fact even if it is) How would I guage what is safe, if a little bum twitching, for me to attempt, and when should I be avoiding it like the plague?

I believe that apart from acute side climbs these are the most awkward to attempt and I am aware that there are techniques to get up or down safely, its just that I don't know what they are. Should I be thinking of having an inclinometer and relying on that to tell me whether rolling or failure is imminent?

I don't mind if you take the **** 'cos you'll probably do that anyway... but I'm hoping that some of you will have some valuable insight into this for me.
Forget inclinometres there just bling tat. Avoid side slopes unless there is no other route possible. drive as slowly as possible and walk the route first checking for dips or potholes that could cast you sideways or shift your weight enough to tip you over. In the event you start to go turn your front wheels down hill in an attempt to stop the roll/tip over.
so... if there is a side slope, should I descnd it first... drive the bottom of the slope, then attempt to climb it head at the appropriate point? I am assuming that side slopes are a lot more risky than straight climbs
so... if there is a side slope, should I descnd it first... drive the bottom of the slope, then attempt to climb it head at the appropriate point? I am assuming that side slopes are a lot more risky than straight climbs

If possible and it doesn't mean you going off track yes. Also make sure your kit is lashed down you don't want a heavy tool box, hi-lift and a bag full of recover gear sliding to the downhill side of the vehicle, and shifting the centre of gravity.
OK That's the wife n kids out of the motor then... with 6 passengers the centre of gravity is a purely theoretical concept!
Try and climb/descend a hill on the fall line, i.e. straight up/down. If there are ruts use them, you'll be less likely to skid sideways. If on a sideslope and you start to slide, steer down the hill to lessen the angle. Do not brake going down hill, use low first, feet off everything. If it starts to slide, accelerate gently to pull the car straight again, plus regain traction.
Try and climb/descend a hill on the fall line, i.e. straight up/down. If there are ruts use them, you'll be less likely to skid sideways. If on a sideslope and you start to slide, steer down the hill to lessen the angle. Do not brake going down hill, use low first, feet off everything. If it starts to slide, accelerate gently to pull the car straight again, plus regain traction.
Sounds beedin worrying to me! Gonna have to find somewhere to practice methinks
the biggest problem you will face is that you will run out of bollocks b4 your motor does discos and defenders are very capable offroad you just got to overcome the fear factor youll be suprised what theese motors are capable of
yer but theres times when venturing in new teritory where even experienced off roaders can be caught out, must admit i have been once or twice and now going down hill i cover the throttle, difflock usually takes away the tendancy for it to slide but a blip on the throttle usually does the trick.
on a failed up hill decent learn how to get it into reverse quick if the brakes wont hold.
thing is not to panic and "hit the brakes", with the wheels locked up , any grip that you might be able to gain will be lost. front wheels locked up = no stearing.

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