
New Member
hey guys, me and my dad would love for me to have a defender as my first car, ive grown up around them and they are pretty much all i know, absolutely fantastic pieces of engineering! Anyway im 18 and soon to be passing my test (hopefully!) so i was wondering if anyone could give me any tips or past experiences on insurance on a defender :D thanks for the time guys!

there is a thread sponser that does a fine job on insurance. But you know it is going to cost big time. Do you have security on it other than factory. Defenders are number 1 stolen cars followed by discos
i have an ex millitary defender 90, this is also my first car. it was suprising how many insurance companys refused any kind of insurance for me, its defonatly not going to be cheap! i got a 2.5 n/a diesel and the cheapest i could get it was £3500, this was with acorn, but after the first year with no claims i managed to get it for £650 fully comp, its quite an expence but so worth it!

good luck
Perseverance mate. Try limited mileage and stuff like that; and access to another car. Phone them instead of using the web compare stuff. This way you can tell them your car is VERY slow and has a low top speed. Worked for a neighbours 17 year old as he found his quote halved.
Geta time machine....I am 40, three kids, house etc and I pay £150 a year fully comp. Has to be some benefit of being middle aged!!
thanks for all the replies guys i do appreciate it! i think what i need to do is to ring as many companies as humanly possible and try and play them off against each other see if that can reduce it. it would be nice if some insurance companies would think us teenagers may actually take care of a car! my dads owned numerous defenders and i know they are cars that do not like to thrashed, it seems hopeless but try and insure anything than an old corsa, i will insure my landy!
In case it was not obvious, the price that insurers charge to youngsters is not actually mostly driven by security or how slow your car goes....the key driver to cost is that you are not yet very experienced and you want to drive around in a 2.5 tonne vehicle that if it hits other cars will do significant damage or kill people which is why the insurers charge you silly money. In a corsa, if you are a dick then you will kill yourself and that is cheaper for insurers!
When I was 18 fresh after passing my test I started driving my 1968 Series 2 as my first car. I used Footman James, the only insurer who would cover me at that age for a classic car policy. This was in 2005 and cost £500 for the year. I think the car has to be 15 years or older, so not necessarily a 'classic'.
thanks for all the replies guys i do appreciate it! i think what i need to do is to ring as many companies as humanly possible and try and play them off against each other see if that can reduce it. it would be nice if some insurance companies would think us teenagers may actually take care of a car! my dads owned numerous defenders and i know they are cars that do not like to thrashed, it seems hopeless but try and insure anything than an old corsa, i will insure my landy!

Adrain Flux works with 35 different companys to get you the best deals. Insurance rules all changed on January 2013. So all these guys saying I paid this and I paid that does not mean a thing any more. Plus you post code and street address all plays into what you pay. Most companys won't touch under 25's with a barge pole. and those that do you will be 2k range or more.
Adrain Flux works with 35 different companys to get you the best deals. Insurance rules all changed on January 2013. So all these guys saying I paid this and I paid that does not mean a thing any more. Plus you post code and street address all plays into what you pay. Most companys won't touch under 25's with a barge pole. and those that do you will be 2k range or more.

Insuring the landy in a more upper class area can help aswell ;)
I'm in the sticks and if the cops see anyone else in any of the landys I've had or someone else driving my folkd cars they give 'em a tug. We got three cars back this way back in the 80s. Bloody Glaswegians.
id try elephant as i have just baught a 96 110, they were cheapest for me at £576 fully Comp, with breakdown and legal cover, acess to another car and no NCB as i have a daily driver, im 22,
admiral keep calling me but cant get cheaper than 700 for the same deal, co-op wanted 1600 and im with them for my daily and have been since i passed my test in 08, footman james wouldent entertain me as THOR1950 said earlier...
thats also with no aftermarket immobiliser but with a w/bumper and cage, i stay on a farm just north of stirling...
Cheap price does not mean good insurance. A peep in the RR section just had his windows smashed out several of them had cheap insurance, and guess what no coverage, so going to cost a bundle for him the pay out of his pocket, in the mean time he can not drive it.

So just because it is cheap, does not mean it is good, and the declared mileage if you go low and then exceed your limit and have to add mid term you will pay dearly. In my case I will go with a minimum of 15k miles per vehicle, I will have coverage if a bird ****s on it they pay to wash it.
That has to be said. Get the stuff through and read it. if it was not what you expected you have the cooling off period to cancel.
I've got an 2004 90 with NFU and with a years no claims and being 19 its £2500. My postcode is rated as A as well so that probably helps.

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