Can I have some advise on the attached please.

Essentially should the glow plug nearest the radiator on a series 3 diesel (2.25) have an earth. Looking at mine, the glow plugs are wired in series but when it comes to the last glow plug in the line there is no earth connection as far as i can see.

glow plug.JPG
Your glow plugs are wired in PARALLEL.

This means either they are wired using the original resistor on the bulkhead and they will not work, or they have been re-wired properly.

I'm confused here then! (That said it doesn;t take much!!)

There is a wire from the resistor on the bulkhead which then connects to the No4 glow plug, there is then another wire from No4 connected to No3. No3 is then connected to No2 and then finally No2 is connected to No1, this is where the wiring stops.

Do the plugs self earth or something then or should No1 glow plug be earthed???

The glow plugs are self earthing, but as CharlesY says, you shouldn't need the resistor.
Whats the simplest way to solve this then. Can I simple connect the No4 glowplug to the other side of the resistor therefore effectively by passing it? Or alternatively any parallel wiring diagrams or suggestions would be helpful.

Whats the simplest way to solve this then. Can I simple connect the No4 glowplug to the other side of the resistor therefore effectively by passing it? Or alternatively any parallel wiring diagrams or suggestions would be helpful.


Surely there's standard thread to reply to this, which is the umpteenth time it has appeared even in my short time here.

You DO have parallel plugs in your engine. We can see that at a glance.

Working from the battery .....

Take a hefty leccy cable capable of 50 amps at least from any main Battery PLUS to a main contact (a big one) of any one GLOW PLUG RELAY. IT does not matter which one. The relay will usually be a 70 amp job, but any relay rated at about 60-70 amps or more will do. From the other main contact (the other big one) take more hefty cable to any one of the glowplug tops. Use proper connections all the way - twisted wires WILL NOT DO.

Now arrange to trigger the relay from whatever you are using now for the glowplugs. The resistor must not be involved in any way. A simple big "push to make" button somewhere is as good as anything. Switch on, and press the big black button. Give it 20 seconds most days, and 30 or more on cold days. Caramba!

Now CUT the first hefty wire clean in two and fit a 100 amp inline fuse. We all know you won't do this (none of us did so why would you?) but it makes the job a happy one in theory for the leccy nutters guys

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