Greenlane liker, bobble hat hater
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Lifted from FaceAche - and posted here for those that dont indulge ;)


Please share and forward to to as many recreational vehicular users as possible.

The Peak District National Park, which is seeking a permanent TRO on Chapel Gate and inviting objections.

Chapel Gate is currently the best driveable route in the Peak District. We need to muster as many objections as possible. On previous consultations for the Roych and Long Causeway we managed over 4000 objections and that swamped the National Park, slowing the process almost to a standstill.

We are aiming to have over 6000 objections for Chapel Gate.

Please circulate and forward this to as many clubs, forums and users as possible all across theUK, with a request to ensure objections are submitted by email to

or by post BEFORE the middle of June.

The link in the email will give all the information needed from the Peak Park’s website. The objections do not need to be long or technical. Simply saying you object is sufficient but to help there are several points below, which you may wish to incorporate into any objection:

The Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) is acting in a discriminatory fashion by singling out recreational vehicle users in this way.

The PDNPA is openly prejudiced and biased against vehicle users, with Members of the Authority taking public positions and being members of pressure groups opposed to recreational drivers and riders.

The recommendations of the Local Access Forum (LAF), which is a legal body formed to advise the PDNPA on matters around Rights of Way was ignored in proposing this Permanent TRO.

The LAF had recommended a limited TRO.

The Rights of Way Officers conducted a flawed survey as part of an unlawful Experimental TRO, yet they still used its biased and discriminatory findings to seek the approval of the PDNPA to proceed to a Permanent TRO.

Much of the Authority’s concern is for the ecology of the area, which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) but they will not concede that the area is also Open Access and therefore subject to walkers leaving the route to wander freely across the landscape.

The Authority claims to be concerned about other users being forced from the route by vehicles or the ‘expectation’ of meeting vehicles and so creating parallel tracks. However, they are not concerned when the same problem occurs elsewhere on bridleways. In this way the PDNPA operates double standards.

The PDNPA is utterly unconcerned that they are removing a legal right to use Chapel Gate for a small minority of users. The Authority is happy to suggest that vehicle users can use the surfaced road network as an alternative but refuses to suggest that walkers, cyclists and horse riders could use alternative footpaths and bridleways to avoid the Chapel Gate BOAT.

PLEASE object however briefly and please ensure that you submit the objection BEFORE 28 June. Your effort will count. Let’s swamp the process make the task impossible for the Peak Park to carry out.

You can find the letter here:

Here is a link to the GLASS page on Facebook for those that are of the social disposition :D

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