Have you got the feed and return the wrong way round? Embarrasing to admit, but when I did my conversion I had these round the wrong way. The engine fired up and idled reved up but was starved of fuel!!!

Just a thought:confused:
not quite related, but, i've had to wind the screw to increase the idle revs for my 200di as it was shaking the whole series to bits - it now idles nicely - all be it at a higher rev
Try some injector cleaner in the fuel Bump makes a difference to my 200DI , what is your exhaust gas like ie clean or what mine smokes if I give it too much welly , but ok if I accelerate slowly .Was terrible when I 1st fitted but added millers additive and it ran smoother then adjusted fuel pump to give less fuel and now runs quite clean and will do 70mph if I push it ,much happier at 60.

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