
Well-Known Member
I don't, as a rule, like folk giving names to cars. 'specially me! But when I was thinking of getting this Landy I revisited the LZ and saw a post about Scratchy lanes and it's kinda stuck in my head. So I've finally got a motor wiv a name...

Anyhow, since my wee foray into the world on Landying and greenlanes a couple of years ago (which included an introduction to LZ when replacing the head gasket in my newly acquired 300TDi Disco and the subsequent laning) I've been dying to get my nails dirty and tyres muddy again.

I'd been toying with the idea of getting a hybrid (RR chassis and series top side) for a while but hadn't found anything to suit.

And then decided that a 110 pickup would be a better idea, coils all round, not too fecked about with and enough space to be a wee bit useful for work (I've got use of my employers '04 110 rag top, but am really worried about messing it up and canna take it laning).

The day I had this realisation I spotted this on feabay...

Nine hundred nicker for a 110 pickup,got to be worth a punt. So I phoned him up sharpish before anyone else could get in (the bids were up to £500) and said I'd 'av it.

Drove over, 130 miles in three and a bit hours with my mate in the Audi estate. And it was as I expected - a bit of a grot box. But I had my usual rose tinted car viewing specs on and thought it was a bute, despite the battery sitting on a bit of ply, oil frickin' everywhere (it's a Landy after all), not a straight panel on 'im (character) and enough rubbish in it to fill a wheelie bin (apparently it'd had a tidy out already...)

So, with a wee bit of apprehension set out for the long drive home. All went well (ish - had to keep the window open cos of the exhaust fumes and it got a wee bit chilly, thank feck I had my woolly hat) until it started to get dark and I could only get the sidelights on. Then I remembered the old Landy mantra - if it don't work hit it, and if that don't work hit it harder. So I gave the switch a good belting and they came on. We got back home in four hours, not so bad...

Well now ee's back home, I've replaced my rose tinted specs with ****e brown ones, taken some photos and second opinions. I'm going to get this tub on the lanes (hoping for the plain on the 24th) but there's a wee bit of work to do...

So I fought I'd open this to the floor. Here's the piccies, what needs doing (and no, you can feck off, it's nae going in the bin). 5 points for what I've spotted, 5 for remedies, 10 for anything new or new remedies and 50 for any good points (that beat the £1.94 in loose change I found behind the drivers seat, in the mud 'n rust).

Here's the piccies...

Actually, struggled to get 'em all on here so they're on my bolg fing... Here...
Sratchy Dominic's Blog
Aw, so no-one wants to play my quiz. Anyhow, I think I'll prattle on some more about what I plan to do with Scratchy (now pronounced with an elongated aaaa).

So, the priorities were to fit an effective air filter first off...

temporary brackets made

And fitted

And I thought the cable tie that was holding the fuel filter on wasn't up to much so I knocked up a quick bracket

These'll do for now, I'm going to get a mate to fabricate some custom brackets for me which'll be a lot nicer, stainless I fink.

I reckon 'ee needs a bit of an oil change, bet it hasn't been done since before the engine went in.

Next off, I'm picking up a new (old) seat box and footwell from AL Services. I thought I'd give him a plug cos he did me a good deal.

Then, this weekend, I'll be going to see my welding mate and there are a couple of patches needed on the chassis and new passenger footwell (it's nice to see the NSF wheel going round and the ventilation is nice, but I think the gurt big hole might let rivers in...!)

Then we'll be ready to go get muddy.

Future bits...

I've got a tank guard on it's way
Want to find a steering guard
Diff guards
(I don't want to break it any more, obviously)
New seats
I'd like to get a stereo fitted, so it might be worth sorting out a little bit of soundproofing so I can hear the thing..!
Snorkel and breathers
Custom stainless exhaust
Series doors
Canvas truck cab lid
Bit of a lift

Then, an idea for the long, long term. Would it be possible to fit a series front end seeing as the Disco 200TDi lump sits so far back?

(Oo, and if I get the doors and front end off the same Series, could I pretend it's that car and get classic free tax..)

Whatdcha fink..?
Erm, when you planning in a new seat box?. Lol

Looks good mate, wish I could afford a second in similar condition to tart up again, as for the bodywork, when I had my battered old 90 I would do owt and go anywhere in it, as they are made to do.

Now mine is shiny I'm scared of overgrown bushes!!

Keep up with updates
There's a couple of things I forgot last night that I remembered when I went out to run some errands.

I need to check out what's making the clunking from the transmission, I've read the posts on here so have an idea what to look out for. Really would like to get his sorted before laning...

Scratchy has a tendency to kick out a cloud of black smoke when I boot it, and has got some get up and go that's for sure! I was thinking it might be starved of air (maybe driving around a quarry without an air filter for a couple of years might have gunged up the inside of the intercooler) but Andy from AL Services suggested that it may have been 'over fuelled'. Sounds more likely with the oomph 'ee seems to have. Will be reading up on that directly. Although I do like the performance - I need it round here to get past the cyclists who ride down our little roads side by side,if you see what I mean... But 'ee is a bit smokey!

Got the oil, filter and fuel filter changed today. By the look of them they hadn't been done in years. Scratchy runs just the same...
Erm, when you planning in a new seat box?. Lol

Looks good mate, wish I could afford a second in similar condition to tart up again, as for the bodywork, when I had my battered old 90 I would do owt and go anywhere in it, as they are made to do.

Now mine is shiny I'm scared of overgrown bushes!!

Keep up with updates

The seat box is going in at the weekend. I was hoping to put it in this week but Andy hasn't got it out of the shed for me yet. :rolleyes: And it has been suggested that it would be best to weld in the footwell whilst the seatbox is out, much more work to work in.

And I'll try and keep up with the updates. It's good to know they're appreciated and I'm not just blathering to myself.
Oh, and totally decided against a Series front end. I hate fakes and I reckon that'd be a bit fake.

I am still wanting to fit series doors and rag top for the summer though!

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