are they blue leds?
good luck getting past plod if they are.
Get out of the way "cock end" coming through,
unless you a legal right to use those on the public highway then you are indeed a cock sir!
:5blurk5::beer2:Lot of fondness for cock on here.
You Boyz got the right site?
As for the LED's - strictly for off road, but also perfectly legal if used by appropriate person.
Vets for instance are OK as are blood transfusion service etc etc.
Having them fitted is very different from having them on. Thought this would separate the flock on here.
As per usual most of the knuckle draggers who have passed comment are entirely and predictably - Wrong.
to quote your link
Only emergency vehicles can be fitted with a blue flashing light, or anything that looks like a blue flashing light, whether working or not.
so based entirely on your link, the only people allowed a blue flashing light, working or not are the emergency services.
Are you part of the emergency services crowmann?
When off they do not appear to be blue flashing lights, that rulee is there to stop folks simply festooning the roof with faux blue lamps and giving the appearance of the Feds or whatever.
All perfectly legal in my case.
Simples - well for some maybe?