
Well-Known Member
fortunately only going slow the main gearstick surprisingly completely sheared in a clean break about half an inch above its housing, ( thought it felt a bit floppy)

the operation manual says the floor needs to come out to change it, having never removed the gearbox tunnel cover, can access be gained by just removing this or is it a floor removal thing, which is a bit bigger job as all nuts rusted over

ta for any help, will be looking at this tomorrow luckliy i have a spare GB
That happened to a mate of mine. It broke off right where it goes into the ball. He couldn't be arsed to take the floor up to change it so he welded it straight back on again with an arc welder! His snapped in cold weather too.
its not like i treat it rough either,
(That happened to a mate of mine. )

too late for a recall i suppose?

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