
New Member
I'm still new to Landy's and off roading so help is appreciated.

I can go 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th fine but when I go down the box 5th 4th 3rd

I have to basicly stop to get it into 2nd gear. It's a 1990 200TDi

It's making turning into junctions quite difficult.

Cheers guys.
mine does that,and the one before that and the one before that.:eek:
do you see the pattern forming.:D
lt 77s rock:D :D :D :eek:
bugger the £400, learn to live with it. i,ve only ever had one decent lt77 box,all the rest dun the crunch,just could,nt be arsed to change em
£400?! Mine was £50 of ebay, an it wud of bin £15 if I hadn't gorren eggsited an bid too urly.. An its sweet as a nut.;)
So new gearbox time?
yup, unless ya wanna live with it and save sum money,i got a reciept somewhere for a replacement box fitted to mine 6 mths before i brought it and that bastid crunches annurll,soon to be cut up the thing is:D :D :D :D
Ere HB, thort your new one was up swanny too - wasn't that the "will it get us home" poll fred???
Ere HB, thort your new one was up swanny too - wasn't that the "will it get us home" poll fred???

No, that was me tranny box that let go. Me furst gear box I had ended up wi a buggered output shaft, got me noo one off ebay fer £50, then me noo transfer gear (which we had to put in cos tha wer rounded off too)went bang and chewed up the tranny box. The ebay speshul gearbox turned out to be ok.;)
Anyways.... So then I had to get a noo trannybox too. I got tha off ebay fer £120. It wer reconditioned an everyfink. Propper pukker it is.
I'm still new to Landy's and off roading so help is appreciated.

I can go 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th fine but when I go down the box 5th 4th 3rd

I have to basicly stop to get it into 2nd gear. It's a 1990 200TDi

It's making turning into junctions quite difficult.

Cheers guys.

learn how to double de clutch

syncomesh is fer whimps
No, that was me tranny box that let go. Me furst gear box I had ended up wi a buggered output shaft, got me noo one off ebay fer £50, then me noo transfer gear (which we had to put in cos tha wer rounded off too)went bang and chewed up the tranny box. The ebay speshul gearbox turned out to be ok.;)
s'good news, tis nice to know it's all working as it should!! The whole forum was with you on tenterhooks on the gearbox, good to know it was a goodun! :D

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