
I have just got a series 2A that keeps jumping out of gear, mainly 3rd , on over run. Is it worth fitting new detent springs?

Or would it be better to fit new selector forks and if so, can this be done without removing box, I.e by removing panel under centre seat?

Or am I wasting time and money and go for a recon box. Gearbox not horrendously noisy and as it is only a weekend toy, will not do many long journeys or much mileage.

may as well try the cheap and easy bits first but odds are its the synchro in which case box out job or at least engine and leave the box in there and do in situ
forks and detents arent for holding it in gear ,either sychro hubs/gear dog teeth or too much end float, or all 3
Ran it yesterday and there is also a knocking in 1st gear on over run, does this tie in with loose nut on main shaft?

Where do you access nut? (Has Fairey overdrive fitted)


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