
New Member
Hello all,

Just bought a S111 1979 SWB as a bit of a project.First major problem seems to be the fact that it wont select 3rd or 4th gear.Have removed the floor panels and the gearstick tower. The selector for 3rd and 4th moves slighly but doesnt quite engage. Anybody got any ideas????
It may be the selector forks chap, whip the top cover off and have a look.
3rd and 4th selector rod is the one nearest the passenger side of the Landy.
It's also possible that it may be a synchro prob.

Regards WP.
Thanks Wesley,
There's a job for the morning then. The wife will be so pleased that i'm spending more time on that "Quote" rusty old heap.
The Ayathollah seems to have "A hair up her arse" when it comes down to my Landy also. I remedy this by reminding her that she is nothing more than "the current Mrs Pegden". Works a treat.

Regards WP.

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