
Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I have had my 55 plate TD4 Commercial for 1 year now when I bought it the gearbox wouldn't go into 2nd, this has since been replaced with a second hand box ( I thought about a recon, but really didn't know how long I would keep the vehicle, a gamble I know ) along with new clutch.

Today I have read the forum about VCU problems, and just had a thought that if my VCU is on the way out could this have put enough strain on the gearbox to knacker 2nd ? Or would the IRD have gone first ? Judging by posts I have read today I am guessing there is no exact answer to this question.

I have been thinking of the 'Tight' description, well if mine is on full lock, it does stop quicker than I expect if I put my foot on the clutch whilst moving, would that cover the 'Tight' description ?

I haven't time at the moment to do the torque test, and away from home so can't do anything really.

Quite happy with my FL1 commercial, had the wheels refurbed and powder coated black, no more deflating tyres or wheel wobble. A full service when gearbox changed, went through MOT with two advisories, fuel tank cradle, and can't remember the other, nothing serious though.

I am off to look at another TD4 tomorrow ( for the War Department ) this has been converted to 2WD, all parts are there to put back though I expect to change the VCU should I end up buying it in order to put back to 4WD.

Put car into reverse and steering on full lock, drive backwards slowly. If it feels like the brakes are on, it's likely that your vcu is scrap.
This is not definitive though, and you should do the one wheel up test. When you have chance.
My latest TD4 was tight going forwards and backwards on full lock. The VCU was totally knackered (took 3 minutes to do 1WU) I suspect something was going to go bang very soon if not sorted.
Hi, thanks for your replies. Just driven homepositive I have no problem with my VCU, the tightness I is down to the AT tyres.
I put it in reverse whilst in the yard, full lock it was fine.

When I get chance I will carry out the torque test and post on MHM's fred.
Be careful when buying Freelanders that are advertised as 2WD but with the parts (props & VCU) to put it back to 4WD. There is always a reason they were taken off - and it won't be to save fuel (which is the excuse people give). It will almost always a mechanical issue. Ideally it will be simply that the VCU support bearings got noisy or the VCU began to get tight. Often though it is because they were running bad tyres or the VCU had gone to tight and it trashed the IRD. They will appear to run fine in 2WD - but won't be capable of supporting 4WD.

As you say, always budget on a recon VCU when buying a Freelander (be it 2 or 4 WD), but you may also have to budget for an IRD - and possibly a rear diff.

Good luck!
no more deflating tyres
This will kill the IRD faster than a tight VCU - and wear the IRD & VCU if things last long enough to sort the issue.
Hi, thanks for your replies. Just driven homepositive I have no problem with my VCU, the tightness I is down to the AT tyres.
I put it in reverse whilst in the yard, full lock it was fine.

When I get chance I will carry out the torque test and post on MHM's fred.
Hi Pompey, re your first question, no, it is highly unlikely that the gearbox issues had anything at all to do with the vcu, so worry not ;).
Regarding testing your VCU - many advocate and trust the 'one wheel up test' - personally I do not hold much faith in it but hey o_O - each to their own.
I can offer you the following to peruse from probably the most respected company and guy in the VCU rebuilding world.
Also, if in any doubt give him a call - he is truly helpful. From what you have described It sound like your existing VCU is absolutely fine. If you are planning to keep the car for a long time consider replacing the vcu as a matter of course to be absolutely certain, otherwise, I am perfectly happy to simply use the 'check for tightness on full lock reverse' method of checking - and also the occasional temperature (as described by bell Engineering) test which will tend to increase not only with incorrect tyres, but also with age thickening of fluid even in conditions of good tyres due to the slightly different front and rear diff ratios. Between these two test you should be fine. Personally I would also change a vcu at around 100k / 120k Km as matter of course simply due the the extremely (relative) expense of IRD and possibly Diff.
Good IRD parts / cores to rebuild are also getting harder to source (again speak to Bell Engineering) - (I have a mint one sat on my shelf due to that very reason - even though the one I have on has only just been reconned.)

As for the two wheel TD4 - I fully - utterly - support what GG says above. !

I cannot stress two highly that on 99.999% of all occasions the reason that any freelander is 2 wheel drive is because of issues (usually extremely expensive ones)
In the case that this is an exception - which I would severely doubt :oops: - then before you decide to buy have all the components fitted back on - drive shafts and vcu and thoroughly test it !.

Best of luck with the TD4, hope it';s a bargain :)

oh, to add, re deflating tyres (only really an issue if unnoticed for a longish period of time) - invest in a set of rf controlled tyre pressure sensors - hell of a lot cheaper than mechanical repairs and a nice audiable and visible alarm.
Hi Joe, Grumpy,

Thanks for your input, bell engineering is where I will go when it needs replacing, didn't get to look at the td4 in the end ran out of time, still looking but not urgent, but now the Mrs is tempted by a landy I can't let it go too long else she will find something else to spend money on bathroom or something uninteresting if you get my drift ( she reads this site ;) ).

I didn't know that deflating tyres would destroy the VCU quickly, but of course it is obvious when you think about it so glad I spent the additional money and got them refurbed now and I think they look smart and matches the lettering across the bonnet, rear roof section etc.

Mileage is now at 135K I have loads of history all main dealer so will have a look through and see if VCU has been changed at all, I reckon for £200 it's probably a good idea if I can't find any evidence of a change.

Again thanks for all your replies.

I think it ends up being £270 plus fitting as the bearings usually need replaced too but still good value.

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