
Hi thanks in advance for any help. Set aside this morning to change oil's on my lt77 gearbox and transfer box. Drained the transfer box fine then when it came to gearbox no oil came out, obviously not good but put the drain plug back on and proceeded to put the oil in then quickly noticed it was draining straight out the transfer box drain! (I know I forgot to put the transfer box plug back on)

Surely there should be a seal between the two as they both take different oil??
Cheers everyone
Are you sure you've used the correct plugs? Theres a series of excellent guides with picks on here from buster
Idiot of the day award goes to me. The transfer box drain was caked in muck so I completely missed it. Obviously I've taken the two off the gearbox and assumed that was it! Cheers for help anyway, you can laugh at me now
Idiot of the day award goes to me. The transfer box drain was caked in muck so I completely missed it. Obviously I've taken the two off the gearbox and assumed that was it! Cheers for help anyway, you can laugh at me now
We've all done daft things or missed something obvious, and we are all here to extract the urine

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